
Is Genox the same as tamoxifen?

Is Genox the same as tamoxifen?

The active ingredient in Genox is tamoxifen (as tamoxifen citrate). Each Genox 10 tablet contains 10 mg of tamoxifen.

What is tamoxifen 10 mg used for?

Tamoxifen is used to treat breast cancer. It is also used to reduce the chances of breast cancer in high-risk patients.This medication can block the growth of breast cancer. It works by interfering with the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue.

What is Genox?

GENOX is used to treat breast cancer. GENOX tablets contain the active ingredient tamoxifen which works by blocking the actions of oestrogen, a female sex hormone. It belongs to a group of medicines known as non- steroidal anti-oestrogens.

Does tamoxifen come in 10mg?

“Our results have external validity and are generalizable. Tamoxifen 10 mg every other day is applicable in clinical practice from tomorrow on,” Dr De Censi stated, adding that tamoxifen is available in 10-mg tablets only. “You can cut the tablet in half starting tomorrow,” he told listeners.

What is tamoxifen side effects?

What are the side effects of taking tamoxifen?

  • Menopause-like symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness.
  • Weight gain (more common) or fluid retention (edema).
  • Irregular or loss of menstrual periods.
  • Leg swelling.
  • Nausea.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Skin rash.
  • Erectile dysfunction .

What is tamoxifen bodybuilding?

Bodybuilders have been using tamoxifen for more than 30 years to treat gynecomastia, a side effect of taking too much testosterone. Excess estrogen is produced as a byproduct of having too much testosterone.

Is tamoxifen toxic to the liver?

Tamoxifen is a nonsteroidal antiestrogen that is widely used in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Long term tamoxifen therapy has been associated with development of fatty liver, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and rare instances of clinically apparent acute liver injury.

What is tamoxifen used for in bodybuilding?

What is the success rate of tamoxifen?

The study found that patients with 5 years of tamoxifen treatment showed better disease free survival than patients with 10 years of treatment (82% vs 78%, P = . 03), and no statistically significant differences in survival rate were found between these 2 groups (94% vs 91%, P = . 07).

Does tamoxifen affect sleep?

Background: Insomnia is a frequent adverse effect reported by women taking tamoxifen, an estradiol receptor-antagonist, for breast cancer.

How does genox work to treat breast cancer?

Genox contains the active ingredient tamoxifen, which works by blocking the actions of estrogen. Estrogen is a natural female sex hormone. In some types of breast cancer, estrogen can help cancer cells to grow. Ask your doctor if you have any questions about why Genox has been prescribed for you.

How does tamoxifen work to treat breast cancer?

Genox contains the active ingredient tamoxifen, which works by blocking the actions of estrogen. Estrogen is a natural female sex hormone. The exact way in which Genox works against breast cancer cells is not exactly known, however it may be related to the way it blocks estrogen in the body.

What are the long term side effects of genox?

Side effects not requiring immediate medical attention 1 Back pain 2 belching 3 body aches or pain 4 bone pain 5 congestion 6 depression 7 difficulty in moving 8 dryness of the throat 9 hair loss or thinning of hair 10 heartburn

Can you take genox tablets with a glass of water?

Genox is not approved for use in children. Swallow the tablets with a glass of water at about the same time each day. Do not chew or crush the tablets. Genox tablets can be taken with or without food.