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How to launch an application using shellexecuteex?

How to launch an application using shellexecuteex?

An application can programmatically launch the Search utility for a directory by calling ShellExecute, with “find” as the lpVerb parameter, and the directory path as the lpFile parameter. For instance, the following line of code launches the Search utility for the c:\\MyPrograms directory.

How to use the ShellExecute command to launch a command?

FILE2.YYY’ from VFP using SHELLEXECUTE. Can someone tell me the syntax of the SHELLEXECUTE command to do this? files (DOC, PDF, TXT …). To launch any executable file (EXE, BAT) is better to use Wscript.Shell – you have more control over it. Example: object WshShell object. String value indicating the command line you want to run. You must

How to use shell.shellexecute method in Win32?

Open the application with a minimized window. Open the application with a maximized window. Open the application with its window at its most recent size and position. The active window remains active. Open the application with its window at its current size and position. Open the application with a minimized window.

What are the parameters of the ShellExecute method?

A string that contains parameter values for the operation. The fully qualified path of the directory that contains the file specified by sFile. If this parameter is not specified, the current working directory is used. The operation to be performed. This value is set to one of the verb strings that is supported by the file.

How does the ShellExecute function in Windows work?

ShellExecute opens, prints, or executes a file using the Windows shell. When working with a non-executable file, the file is opened using its associated program. ShellExecute can also open Windows Explorer windows. The function returns immediately after opening the file, starting the program, or performing whatever other action was specified.

When to use shellexecutecan in Windows Explorer?

When working with a non-executable file, the file is opened using its associated program. ShellExecutecan also open Windows Explorer windows. The function returns immediately after opening the file, starting the program, or performing whatever other action was specified. Return Value

How to open a bitmap file in shellexecuteex?

The lpFile member is set to the parsing name of the file, and the lpVerb member to NULL, to begin the default operation. In this case, the default operation is “open”. The structure is then passed to ShellExecuteEx, which launches the default handler for bitmap files, typically MSPaint.exe, to open the file.