How long does it take to send additional GRE scores to universities?
approximately five business days
Ordering ASRs Online You can order additional score reports online through your ETS account. Score reports will be sent to your designated institutions approximately five business days after your order is placed. Watch a quick video about how to send your GRE scores, both on test day and after it.
Are GRE scores mailed or sent electronically?
After you have completed the test and viewed your scores, you can choose up to four score recipients on test day as part of your test fee. Your official scores will be sent to them 10–15 days after your test date. For more information, see Sending Your Scores.
How do I send my GRE scores to ETS?
To place an order, log in to your ETS account and select “Send Additional Score Reports” under “Scores.” Confirm your personal information. Then select “Next.” Enter the name or designated institution code for the schools or programs where you want to send your scores. You may add the department name or leave it blank.
How do I know if I received my GRE scores?
Your official GRE ® General Test scores will be available in your ETS account 10–15 days after your test date. You will receive an email notification from ETS when they are available. ETS will also send an official Institution Score Report to the score recipients you designated on test day at that time.
Who is Reg Cattermole from Harry Potter married to?
Reginald “Reg” Cattermole (b. sun in Libra, moon in Virgo) was a wizard employed at the Ministry of Magic in the Magical Maintenance Department. He was married to Mary, and the couple had three children, Maisie, Ellie, and Alfred.
Where does the name Reginald Cattermole come from?
“Reginald” is from Reginaldus, which is a Latinized form of Reynold. It is also a cognate with the Old Norse Rögnvaldr, from which the name Ronald is derived. The Harry Potter Wiki has 8 images related to Reginald Cattermole.
When did Mary Cattermole go to the Ministry?
On 2 September, 1997, Reginald headed for the Ministry not just for work, but for his Muggle-born wife Mary Cattermole who was to be tried by the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, as the Ministry had been taken over by Death Eaters and Muggle-borns were being persecuted.
How did the cattermoles escape the Death Eaters?
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley freed her from the Muggle-Born Registration Commission and advised the Cattermoles to flee the country while the Death Eaters were in power. It is unknown if they took this advice.