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How is instrumental aggression different from impulsive aggression?

How is instrumental aggression different from impulsive aggression?

While both impulsive and instrumental aggression take place with the intent to cause harm or injury, instrumental aggression is much more calculated. Like Harding hiring a hitman to ensure she had a better chance of winning the Olympic competition, instrumental aggression tends to be goal oriented.

Are there any determinants of aggressive behavior?

The current study examined the effects of two inhibiting forces, operationalized as emotion regulation and inhibitory control, in predicting physical reactive aggression. The link between negative emotions and aggressive behavior has been extensively researched.

How are emotion and inhibitory control related to aggression?

We used a hierarchical, mixed-model multiple regression analysis test to examine the effects of emotion regulation and inhibitory control on physical reactive aggression. Results indicated an interaction between emotion regulation and inhibitory control on aggression.

How is emotional aggression treated in the criminal justice system?

Emotional aggression is usually treated as second-degree homicide in the U.S. legal system, to differentiate it from cognitive, instrumental aggression (first-degree homicide). However, it may well be the case that all aggression is at least in part instrumental because it serves some need for the perpetrator.

What’s the difference between hostile and impulsive aggression?

Hostile or impulsive aggression, on the other hand, while also motivated by intent to commit harm, occurs much more spontaneously. It’s not planned and thought out beforehand, not committed to achieve a goal, and the consequences of the aggressive action are rarely considered.

Which is the best description of aggressive behavior?

Hostile or impulsive aggression can’t really be reasoned with and typically occurs in the heat of the moment. There are many different theories that attempt to explain aggressive behavior. The Generalized Aggression Model, otherwise referred to as GAM, combines these theories into one comprehensive model to explain why aggressive behavior occurs.