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How is Damba festival is celebrated?

How is Damba festival is celebrated?

The celebration continues for 10 days, with drumming and crowds of dancers in front of the chief’s house every night. The Damba festival includes everyone in the community. Muslims hold evening prayers every night leading up to the Somba Damba, while others join in singing and dancing.

What are the importance of festivals in Ghana?

Festivals are very important occasions in Ghana; during this time many people travel to their ancestral home for the celebrations and to mark the occasion. Festivals are celebrated to mark both the beginning and the end of the traditional year and to celebrate great events of the past and purify the traditional state.

What is Damba dance?

The Damba festival is an ancient celebration of the Dagomba of Northern Ghana including the chiefs and peoples of Nalerigu, Tamale, and Wa among others. Festivities take place on the 11th, 17th and 18th days of the Damba month, the third month of the Dagomba calendar.

Which people in Ghana celebrate Damba?

The Damba festival is celebrated by the chiefs and people of Nalerigu, Tamale, and Wa in the Northern Region and Upper West Region of Ghana. The name is damba in Dagbani, Damma in Mampruli and Jingbenti in Waali. The festival is celebrated in the Dagomba lunar month of Damba.

What is the importance of festival?

Festivals are an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions. They are meant to rejoice special moments and emotions in our lives with our loved ones. They play an important role to add structure to our social lives, and connect us with our families and backgrounds.

What month is Damba festival celebrated?

Rabia al-Awwal
The festival is celebrated in the Dagomba lunar month of Damba, corresponding to the third month of the Islamic calendar, Rabia al-Awwal.

What are the benefits of festivals?

Some of the benefits of festivals include:

  • Keeps us closer to our religion and tradition.
  • Promotes harmony.
  • Carrying the message of the past generations to the present and future.
  • Festival celebrations promote communal harmony.
  • We get to know about different religions.
  • Helps to preserve our culture and heritage.

What ethnic group is Damba dancing?

The Damba festival is an ancient celebration of the Dagamba of Northern Ghana and brought along from Zamfara in the North of Nigeria into Dagbon in the first quarter of the 18th Century during the rign of Naa Zangina.

What month is Damba celebrated?

The name Damba in Dagbani, Damma in Mampruli and Jingbenti in Waali. The festival is celebrated in the Dagomba lunar month of Damba, corresponding to the third month of the Islamic calendar, Rabia al-Awwal.

Why do we celebrate festivals give two reasons?

Importance of Festivals They make us forget our cultural and religious differences. They unite people and they come together for the sole purpose of celebration and happiness. Other than that, festivals also help us embrace our culture and religion. They are very helpful in breaking the monotony of life.

Do you think festivals are important for a country?

A. Yes, I do believe that festivals are immensely important for a country and its people because these celebrations represent the cultural and national identity of this country. The important festivals also bring people together and eliminate the differences we have in our society.

Who celebrates aboakyer festival?

people of Winneba
The Aboakyer festival is a bushbuck hunting festival celebrated by the people of Winneba in the Central Region of Ghana.

What do people do at the Damba festival?

Chiefs, elders, drummers and the people assemble by 12.00 noon and dance till daybreak. During the night, women sing praises to the chiefs in Dagbon while drumming and dancing continue till daybreak. Damba festival is in effect a thanksgiving festival and a time for families to meet, and socialize.

How is the NAA Damba celebrated in Ghana?

On the 17 th, the Naa (chiefs Damba) is celebrated. It is the most important of the festival days characterized by dancing and chiefly processions like that of the evening. (Imam Mole Sibido). Everyone tries to make it grand in Naa Damba, which includes feasting and acts of homage and excitement.

Which is the most important festival of Dagombas?

Damba is the most important or widely celebrated festival of the Dagombas/Dagbamba, which has spread to other stratified northern societies such as Mamprusis, Nanumbas and Gonjas – and also to the Walas in the Upper West region, which is called “Dumba”. The origin of Damba as a festival and dance form is not certain.

Where did the name Damba dance come from?

Also the name Damba is given to a very popular dance for the Dagomba/Dagbamba royalty that almost certainly predates the introduction of Islam into the Kingdom. Again, both the festival and dance are essentially ritual in character.