
How is acute interstitial nephritis treated?

How is acute interstitial nephritis treated?

Treatment for interstitial nephritis depends on the cause. When AIN is caused by a drug allergy, the only treatment needed may be drug removal. Other cases of AIN can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications. Quick treatment often leads to a full recovery.

Can tubulointerstitial nephritis be cured?

Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis is treated by stopping the causative drug or treating the underlying disorder. Supportive care such as controlling blood pressure is often used. Drugs may be used to try to slow progression of kidney disease.

What causes acute tubulointerstitial nephritis?

The principal mechanism in acute tubulointerstitial nephritis is a hypersensitivity reaction to drugs such as penicillins, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and sulfa drugs. Another mechanism is acute cellular injury caused by infection, viral or bacterial, often associated with obstruction or reflux.

How common is tubulointerstitial nephritis?

Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis Syndrome (TINU) Syndrome. TINU is a rare disorder with only 133 cases reported in the literature by 2001 [50]. TINU accounts for less than 2 % of cases of uveitis [1, 51, 52]. The median age at presentation is 15 years and the female to male ratio is 3:1 [52, 53].

What is acute interstitial nephritis in medical terms?

Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) defines a pattern of renal injury usually associated with an abrupt deterioration in renal function characterized histopathologically by inflammation and edema of the renal interstitium.

What are the symptoms of acute interstitial nephritis?


  • Blood in the urine.
  • Fever.
  • Increased or decreased urine output.
  • Mental status changes (drowsiness, confusion, coma)
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Rash.
  • Swelling of any area of body.
  • Weight gain (from retaining fluid)

How is Tubulointerstitial nephritis diagnosed?

In general, proteinuria is usually absent or modest in acute tubulointerstitial nephritis. Urinalysis may show microscopic hematuria and/or sterile pyuria (with or without eosinophils). Although the clinical presentation is often sufficient to make the diagnosis, renal biopsy is required to make a definitive diagnosis.

Does nephritis cause pain?

pain in the kidney area or abdomen. swelling of the body, commonly in the face, legs, and feet. vomiting. fever.

What drugs cause Tubulointerstitial nephritis?

Which drugs may induce acute tubulointerstitial nephritis?

  • Antibiotics (eg, penicillins, cephalosporins, sulfa drugs, quinolones)
  • NSAIDs.
  • Diuretics (eg, thiazides, furosemide)
  • Allopurinol.
  • Phenytoin.
  • Rifampin.
  • Interferon alfa.
  • Proton pump inhibitors.

What is acute nephritis?

Acute nephritis occurs when your kidneys suddenly become inflamed. Acute nephritis has several causes, and it can ultimately lead to kidney failure if it’s left untreated. This condition used to be known as Bright’s disease.

What infections cause interstitial nephritis?

Infections with viral agents, bacteria, and fungi are occasionally associated with acute interstitial nephritis. Hantavirus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are common among the infectious agents associated with acute interstitial nephritis.

Can acute nephritis be cured?

Acute nephritis sometimes resolves without treatment. However, it usually requires medication and special procedures that remove excess fluids and dangerous proteins. Treating chronic nephritis typically involves regular kidney check-ups and blood pressure monitoring.

What is cure for chronic interstitial nephritis?

When AIN is caused by a drug allergy, the only treatment needed may be drug removal . Other cases of AIN can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications . Quick treatment often leads to a full recovery. Sometimes interstitial nephritis causes permanent damage to the kidneys before you can be diagnosed.

What causes interstitial nephritis?

The causes of nonallergic interstitial nephritis include: autoimmune disorders, such as lupus erythematosus. low blood potassium levels. high blood calcium levels. certain infections.

Is chronic nephritis curable?

To cure Chronic Nephritis, the root cause must be found and solved and treating with medicine alone is not enough, so a comprehensive treatment scheme is necessary, that is treating with combined Chinese and Western medicines.

Is renal biopsy must for lupus nephritis patients?

Renal biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis of lupus nephritis (LN). In the absence of acute renal failure (ARF), moderate levels of proteinuria (> 1000 mg/24 h) have been recommended by some to justify biopsy.