
How do you write a Sphinx docstring?

How do you write a Sphinx docstring?

The Sphinx docstring format A pair of :param: and :type: directive options must be used for each parameter we wish to document. The :raises: option is used to describe any errors that are raised by the code, while the :return: and :rtype: options are used to describe any values returned by our code.

What does Sphinx Autodoc do?

This extension can import the modules you are documenting, and pull in documentation from docstrings in a semi-automatic way. You can then use all of the usual Sphinx markup in the docstrings, and it will end up correctly in the documentation. …

What are NumPy Docstrings?

A documentation string (docstring) is a string that describes a module, function, class, or method definition. The docstring is a special attribute of the object ( object. __doc__ ) and, for consistency, is surrounded by triple double quotes, i.e.: “””This is the form of a docstring.

What is the format for a docstring?

Docstring Formats reStructured text (reST) / Sphinx: This is the Official Python documentation standard. It uses the syntax of the lightweight markup language reStructured text (reST) which is similar in usage to Markdown. NumPy/SciPy Docstrings: A combination of reStructured text (reST) and Google Docstrings.

Why do we use Sphinx?

Sphinx is a documentation generator or a tool that translates a set of plain text source files into various output formats, automatically producing cross-references, indices, etc.

How do you start the Sphinx?

It even has a handy installer.

  1. Step 1: Installing Sphinx. You’ll need to install sphinx via pip .
  2. Step 2: Setup your Project with Quickstart.
  3. Step 3: Adjusting the File.
  4. Step 4: Update index.
  5. Step 5: Write Your Docstrings.
  6. Step 6: Generate your Docs!

What functions are in NumPy?

NumPy contains a large number of various mathematical operations….Numpy | Mathematical Function.

Function Description
expm1() Calculate exp(x) – 1 for all elements in the array.
exp2() Calculate 2**p for all p in the input array.
log10() Return the base 10 logarithm of the input array, element-wise.
log2() Base-2 logarithm of x.

What is a documentation string?

In programming, a docstring is a string literal specified in source code that is used, like a comment, to document a specific segment of code. This allows the programmer to inspect these comments at run time, for instance as an interactive help system, or as metadata.

Which docstring format is more appropriate for detailed documentation?

Nowadays, the probably more prevalent format is the reStructuredText (reST) format that is used by Sphinx to generate documentation. Note: it is used by default in JetBrains PyCharm (type triple quotes after defining a method and hit enter). It is also used by default as output format in Pyment.

What is __ doc __?

Python objects have an attribute called __doc__ that provides a documentation of the object. __doc__ on your class Dog to retrieve its documentation as a string. You can define the docstring using a string surrounded by triple quotes as shown in the example: class Dog: “””Your best friend.”””

What is the standard docstring format for Sphinx?

For this tutorial we will use the Sphinx format, since, as the name suggests, it is the standard format used with Sphinx. Other formats include Google (see here) and NumPy (see here ), but they require the use of Sphinx’s napoleon extension, which is beyond the scope of this tutorial. In general, a typical Sphinx docstring has the following format:

How to auto document a module in Sphinx?

With Sphinx, you can auto-document this module by including the following code within a RST document: This code will scan the module, find all its members, undocumented members and add their docstrings.

When to use raises and rtype in Sphinx?

The :raises: option is used to describe any errors that are raised by the code, while the :return: and :rtype: options are used to describe any values returned by our code. A more thorough explanation of the Sphinx docstring format can be found here.

Is the Param optional or mandatory in Sphinx?

But it is explicitly called role in Sphinx. In the above code, Sphinx has the param as a role, and type is a role, which is the Sphinx data type for param. type role is optional, but param is mandatory. The return roles document the returned object.