
How do you write a good character reference letter?

How do you write a good character reference letter?

Tips On How to Write a Character Reference LetterProvide Details About How You Know the Candidate. The very first part of your letter should show the employer that you are indeed a trustworthy source of information. Get the Details of the Position. Ask the Candidate What They’d Like to See. Provide Examples. Keep It Short.

How do you give a good reference to someone?

If you agree to provide a reference, follow these tips:Keep the information factual. Avoid opinions about issues such as personal conflicts. Qualify what you say. Make your praise specific. Refer to specific tasks or projects. Avoid examples that highlight a candidate’s weaknesses.

What should I put for weaknesses on a reference?

Some soft skills you might mention when answering questions about your weaknesses include:Creativity.Delegating tasks.Humor.Spontaneity (you work better when prepared)Organization.Patience.Taking too many risks.Being too honest.