
How do you tell the difference between Taenia solium and Saginata?

How do you tell the difference between Taenia solium and Saginata?

solium contains four large suckers and a rostellum containing two rows of large and small hooks. There are usually 13 hooks of each size. The scolex of T. saginata has four large suckers but lacks the rostellum and rostellar hooks.

What are the signs and symptoms of Taenia solium?

solium (usually 3 m). Tapeworms can cause digestive problems including abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and upset stomach. The most visible symptom of taeniasis is the active passing of proglottids (tapeworm segments) through the anus and in the feces.

What are the characteristics of Taenia solium?

Characteristics: Taenia solium is a tapeworm of the class cestoidea, order cyclophyllidea, and family Taeniidae 1. Adult worm: Mature worms are found only in humans. Adult worm grows to approximately 2-4 m. Scolex has 4 suckers and the rostellum has two crowns of horns.

What are the diagnostic features of Taenia species?

Diagnosis of Taenia tapeworm infections is made by examination of stool samples; individuals should also be asked if they have passed tapeworm segments. Stool specimens should be collected on three different days and examined in the lab for Taenia eggs using a microscope.

What is the life cycle of Taenia solium?

The eggs or gravid proglottids migrate to the pig’s intestine and as oncospheres, break through the intestinal wall. Then, via the circulatory system, they embed themselves in the muscles of the pig and develop into cysticerci (the infective form of T. solium).

Which disease is caused by Taenia Solium?

People with taeniasis may not know they have a tapeworm infection because symptoms are usually mild or nonexistent. Taenia solium tapeworm infections can lead to cysticercosis, which is a disease that can cause seizures, so it is important seek treatment.

How long does Taenia solium live?

These symptoms could continue until the tapeworm dies from the course of treatment but otherwise could continue for many years, as long as the worm lives. If untreated it is common that the infections with T. solium last for approximately 2–3 years.

How common is Taenia solium?

Human taeniasis/cysticercosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the pork tapeworm Taenia solium. The World Health Organization (WHO) designated taeniasis/cysticercosis as one of the 17 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affecting the poorest people in the world. An estimated 2.5 million people are infected with T.

How is Taenia solium controlled?

Potential Intervention Measures

  1. Slaughterhouse control.
  2. Pig corralling.
  3. Targeted treatment of humans.
  4. Mass treatment of humans (mass drug administration, mass chemotherapy)
  5. Health education.
  6. Targeted/mass treatment of pigs.
  7. Meat radiation.
  8. Meat freezing.

How is Taenia solium transmitted?

T. solium taeniasis is acquired by humans through the ingestion of the parasite’s larval cysts (cysticerci) in undercooked and infected pork. Human tapeworm carriers excrete tapeworm eggs in their faeces and contaminate the environment when they defecate in open areas. Humans can also become infected with T.

Can a Taenia solium egg cause cysticercosis?

Taenia solium eggs can also cause cysticercosis. Taeniasis is the infection of humans with the adult tapeworm of Taenia saginata or Taenia solium. Humans are the only definitive hosts for T. saginata and T. solium. Eggs or gravid proglottids are passed with feces ; the eggs can survive for days to months in the environment.

What’s the difference between Taenia spp and gravid proglottids?

Taenia spp. proglottids. Gravid proglottids are longer than wide and the two species, T. solium and T. saginata, differ in the number of primary lateral uterine branches: T. solium contains 7-13 lateral branches and T. saginata 12-30 lateral branches.

Life Cycle: Taeniasis is the infection of humans with the adult tapeworm of Taenia saginata or Taenia solium. Humans are the only definitive hosts for T. saginata and T. solium. Eggs or gravid proglottids are passed with feces; the eggs can survive for days to months in the environment.

Who is the only host for Taenia solium?

Life Cycle: Taeniasis is the infection of humans with the adult tapeworm of Taenia saginata or Taenia solium. Humans are the only definitive hosts for T. saginata and T. solium. Eggs or gravid proglottids are passed with feces ; the eggs can survive for days to months in the environment. Cattle ( T. saginata) and pigs ( T.