
How do you make it to where someone can share your post on Facebook?

How do you make it to where someone can share your post on Facebook?

How to allow people to share your post on Facebook on a mobile deviceFind the post you want to make shareable and tap the three dots in the upper right corner. In the pop-up menu, tap “Edit Privacy.” In the “Privacy” menu, tap the checkbox next to “Public,” then tap “Done” in the upper right corner of the screen.

Why are some of my friends posts missing on Facebook?

HERE’S THE FIX: Scroll down to the bottom of the news feed on the homepage and click on Edit Options, click on Show Posts From and change the setting to All Of Your Friends and Pages. Simply posting an update about it won’t do any good because lots of your friends/fans already can’t see your posts by default.

How do I get rid of add friend on Facebook to see more stories?

A menu of options appears: Hide, Report/Mark as Spam, Follow Post. Hover your mouse over the story you want to hide. For example, Social Fixer prevented me from mindlessly scrolling.

How do you see posts on Facebook that your not friends with?

Facebook’s Graph Search makes it pretty easy to creep on just about anyone, even if you aren’t friends with them, and find tons of images that they’re tagged in. By simply searching Photos of with the name of the person you want to search, you can see any image they are tagged in, even if they hid it from their feed.

Can I look at someone’s Facebook profile without them knowing?

No, Facebook doesn’t let people track who views their profile. Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.

How can you tell if someone has you on restricted on Facebook?

Just go to your mutual friend profile wall posts and find if the person has any tagged stuff with the mutual one. Once found, check it on that person’s wall. If you are not able to see that same stuff on that profile wall then this tells he has restricted you from seeing his wall.

How do you know if someone has you on restricted?

While it’s obvious to someone when they’ve been blocked — because they can no longer find that user on the platform — it won’t be obvious when they’ve been restricted. They will see that user’s posts in their feed like they usually do. But they will no longer see when the user is online or has read their messages.

What happens when you restrict a friend on Facebook?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, you’ll still be friends with them on Facebook, but they’ll only be able to see your public information (example: your posts and profile info you choose to make public) and posts you tag them in.

Will someone know if I add them to Restricted List?

They will not know that they’re on your restricted list. You will still be able to chat with them via Messenger and you’ll see their posts in your News Feed as normal. Let’s say you don’t want your supervisor to see everything you post on Facebook, so you add him to your restricted list.

Can restricted friends see my profile picture?

Click “Custom” option in the privacy menu to block only certain people from seeing your profile pictures. Enter a name in the “Hide this from” field to stop that user from seeing the photos — names entered in this field must be on your friend list. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the window.

Can someone on my restricted list see my likes and comments?

How to set restriction list to hide everything including comments and activities? If you put someone to restriction list, this user doesn’t see your comments on your wall. That’s one of the expected behaviors. But if you comment an entry in a page or write into the wall of a friend, this user still sees these entries.

Can a restricted friend see my likes comments on a mutual friends posts?

You can’t. You only have control over your own account, not someone else’s. If you choose to participate in your mutual friend’s account, then everyone on his/her friends list will be able to see your comment/like. Why can’t I see my FB friend’s likes & posts?

How do I stop my comments showing up on friends news feed 2020?

Click the “Edit” button next to each app and then click the audience selector next to the “Posts on your behalf” option. Select who these posts should be visible to or click “Only Me” to prevent them from appearing on anyone’s news feed.

Why can’t I see posts on my friends wall?

By default, Facebook always lets a user’s friends see his or her posts. If you are friends with someone and still cannot see that user’s wall, it means your friend has customized his or her Wall privacy.

How can I stop my friends getting notified of my likes and comments in Facebook?

Originally Answered: How can I stop my friends getting notified of my likes and comments in Facebook ? You cannot stop your friends getting notified about your activities, until the post where you are commenting or liking is set to be viewed by a specific set of people.

Can I control who sees my comments on Facebook?

When you post something on Facebook, you can use the audience selector to choose who can like or comment on it. If you create a public post, by default everyone can like or comment, even people who aren’t following you. However, you can change who can like or comment on your public posts in your follower settings.

How do I limit who can see my comments on other people’s posts?

If you post something on Facebook and want to limit who can see it, you can adjust the privacy settings when you share the post or afterward. To do so when you create the post, use the audience drop-down menu next to the “Post” button to choose an audience for your post.

How do I hide my comments from public posts?

To hide a comment, hover over the top-right hand “x” and click “Hide.” Now the post can only be seen by the person who wrote the comment and his or her friends. They’ll have no idea the post is hidden, and you can always click “Unhide” later if you like.

Can friends see my comments on other people’s posts?

When you comment on a friend’s photo, anyone who can see your friend’s photo can also see your comment, even if they’re not your friends. If your friend’s photos are publicly visible, anyone can see your comment. In addition, friends of anyone tagged in a photo can see the photo and comments.

How do I make my likes on facebook private?

How to Make Your Likes PrivateLog onto Facebook.Select your profile image/name from the bar at the top of the page.Select More from the menu bar just under your cover photo.Select Likes.Select Manage, which shows up as a pencil icon next to Add Likes.Select Edit the Privacy of Your Likes from the menu.