
How do you control the bunchy top of a banana?

How do you control the bunchy top of a banana?

Control of banana bunchy top is achieved by killing the banana aphids then destroying all infected material. First, the aphids should be killed on the infected banana material, and then all the plant material should be destroyed to prevent the spread of the virus.

What does banana bunchy top virus do?

Banana bunchy top causes newly emerging banana leaves to have a ‘bunched’ appearance, and dot-dash flecking of leaves and stem sheaths. Infected plants rarely produce fruit, which may result in significant production losses on commercial farms if infected plants are not removed quickly.

What is the bunchy top disease in banana write symptoms cause and management of the disease?

Symptoms. Narrow and short leaves and bleached (chlorotic) margins. Bunchy top is named after one of the most characteristic symptoms of an advanced infection, when the leaves become progressively dwarfed, upright and bunched at the top of the plant, with wavy and chlorotic margins that tend to turn necrotic.

What is the vector of bunchy top of banana?

INTRODUCTION: Banana bunchy top disease (BBT) is one of the most serious diseases of banana. It stunts the plants and reduces yield severely. The disease is caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), which is transmitted by banana aphids (Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel).

How do I know if I have banana bunchy top virus?

Signs of Banana Bunchy Top Virus

  1. New leaves are narrow with yellow margins and appear ‘bunched’ at the top.
  2. Leaves have dark green streaks and ‘J’ shaped hooks along the midrib of the leaf.
  3. Petiole (where the leaf meets the stem) are crinkled and molted.
  4. Small deformed fruits or no fruit at all.

What is the banana disease?

Panama disease, also called banana wilt, a devastating disease of bananas caused by the soil-inhabiting fungus species Fusarium oxysporum forma specialis cubense. A form of fusarium wilt, Panama disease is widespread throughout the tropics and can be found wherever susceptible banana cultivars are grown.

What are the diseases of banana?

Diseases of Banana Crop

  • Panama Wilt. (Fusarium oxysporum f.
  • Leaf Spot, Leaf Streak or Sigatoka Disease. (Mycosphaerella musicola):
  • Anthracnose. (Gloeosporium musae):
  • Cigar End Tip Rot. (Verticillium theobromae, Trachsphaera fructigena and Gloeosporium musarum):
  • Crown Rot.
  • Stem-end Rot.
  • Pseudostem Heart Rot.
  • Head Rot.

What is the first symptom of BBTD?

The initial symptoms of banana bunchy top virus consist of dark green streaks in the veins of lower portions of the leaf midrib and the leaf stem (petiole). The streaks also occur, but are less prominent, in the veins of the leaf blade (lamina).

How do you manage plant diseases?

Traditional Principles of Plant Disease Control

  1. Avoidance—prevent disease by selecting a time of the year or a site where there is no inoculum or where the environment is not favorable for infection.
  2. Exclusion—prevent the introduction of inoculum.
  3. Eradication—eliminate, destroy, or inactivate the inoculum.

Which disease of plant is known as ring disease?

Symptoms. The disease can cause plants to wilt, but you are more likely to come across symptoms in tubers. The initial symptom is a soft cheese-like rotting of the vascular ring, hence the name “ring” rot. In severe cases this completely rots and the skin of the potato may crack.

What is the common planting distance of banana?

Experiments carried out recently show that good quality banana and heavy bunch can be achieved by keeping the planting distance at 1.8 X 1.8 m. However, to get maximum yield plantation is done at 1.2 X 1.5 m. High Density Planting : High density planting is in practice to accommodate 4444 to 5555 plants per ha.

What is anthracnose in banana?

Anthracnose of banana is caused by the Colletotrichum species and is one of the most serious diseases of ripe banana. Symptoms of anthracnose include black and sunken lesions with spore masses or acervuli in the lesion.