Popular lifehacks

How do I turn off 301 redirects?

How do I turn off 301 redirects?

Remove 301 redirects from your sitemap

  1. Go to yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml (keep in mind that your sitemap URL might be different as there are exceptions).
  2. Use a URL Extractor to download a list of your URLs.
  3. Paste the list into this free tool.
  4. Filter the list with a 301 status code.

Why is my 301 redirect not working?

First try removing and then re-adding the redirects. Make sure to clear your browser cache when you go back to test. If the problem recurs, then check your . htaccess file to see if something is there that may be interfering with your current redirects.

How do I fix a 301 redirect error?

How do you fix a 301 error message?

  1. Check Your Htaccess Files for Errors in URL Linking.
  2. Use a Third Party Tool to Check for Any 301 Redirects.
  3. Backup Your Website.
  4. Check Your Server Logs.
  5. Check Your Sitemap.
  6. Check Any Custom Code Files.
  7. Change any HTTP Response Codes to 200 If You Do Not Want A Redirect.

How do I reset my 301 redirect?

If you really have no choice, here are your critical steps:

  1. Remove all 301-redirects from A→B.
  2. Add site-wide 301-redirects from B→A.
  3. Add self-referencing canonical to all pages.
  4. Re-point internal links to Domain A.
  5. Re-add Domain A to Google Search Console (GSC)
  6. Re-build XML sitemap(s) for Domain A.

When can I remove 301 redirects?

As a best practice, when moving pages you should implement 301 redirects from the previous URLs to the new ones and keep them active for at least 1 year. When moving entire domains to new domains, you should keep them active for as long as reasonably possible.

Why is my 301 Moved Permanently?

Diagnosing a 301 Moved Permanently Response Code A 301 Moved Permanently response code indicates that the server believes that the requested resource is invalid and that the request should be redirected to a new, “proper” URL.

How long does it take for a 301 redirect to work?

Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller said that 301 redirects applied to permanent site move situations should be active for a long time. He explained that it takes at least six months to roughly a year for Google to be able to completely recognize that your site was moved.

What does 301 Moved Permanently?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 301 Moved Permanently redirect status response code indicates that the resource requested has been definitively moved to the URL given by the Location headers.

When can I remove 301 redirect?

Is a 301 redirect permanent?

Why is my domain 301 redirect not working?

Another common error is because the 301 redirection type is not set for the redirection. On creating an URL redirect rule for domain 301 redirection type has to be set. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. On such occasions, our Engineers verify the details and change the redirection type:

What does a 301 redirect do in IIS?

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. On such occasions, our Engineers verify the details and change the redirection type: Creating rules in IIS can be confusing.

How to reverse a 301 redirect in Google Chrome?

Here are the basic steps: 1 Remove the 301-redirect from A→B 2 Add a 301-redirect from B→A 3 Re-point internal links to Page A 4 Submit both pages to Google Search Console (GSC) 5 Give Google time to re-cache Page B

Can You 301 redirect B→A to page B?

You can’t 301 redirect B→A or Page B will be gone for everyone (search engines and visitors). This can be further split into two sub-scenarios, depending on whether you want Page B to be available to search engines