
How do I get the last 5 rows of a SQL table?

How do I get the last 5 rows of a SQL table?

  1. You need to count number of rows inside table ( say we have 12 rows )
  2. then subtract 5 rows from them ( we are now in 7 )
  3. select * where index_column > 7 select * from users where user_id > ( (select COUNT(*) from users) – 5) you can order them ASC or DESC.

How do I find Top 5 records in SQL?


  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax. SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name;
  2. MySQL Syntax. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. LIMIT number;
  3. Example. SELECT * FROM Persons. LIMIT 5;
  4. Oracle Syntax. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. WHERE ROWNUM <= number;
  5. Example. SELECT * FROM Persons.

How do I get the most recent record in SQL?

This will list the most recent signin for each id . To get the whole single record, perform an INNER JOIN against a subquery which returns only the MAX(signin) per id. SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = 1 ORDER BY signin DESC LIMIT 1; The obvious index would be on (id) , or a multicolumn index on (id, signin DESC) .

How can I get 3 minimum salary in sql?

  1. select salary from employee. order by salary asc limit 2,1.
  3. select person_name,person_salary from Salary_1 order by person_salary asc limit 2,1;
  4. select top 1 * from ( select top 3 * from ( select distinct emp_sal from employee order by asc emp_sal ) d orderby desc emp_sal )

How do I get top ten records in sql?


  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax: SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  2. MySQL Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  3. Oracle 12 Syntax: SELECT column_name(s)
  4. Older Oracle Syntax: SELECT column_name(s)
  5. Older Oracle Syntax (with ORDER BY): SELECT *

How do I find top 10 records in SQL?


  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax: SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  2. MySQL Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  3. Oracle 12 Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  4. Older Oracle Syntax: SELECT column_name(s)
  5. Older Oracle Syntax (with ORDER BY): SELECT *

How do I get last two records in sql?

To select last two rows, use ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 2.

How can I see last 10 records in sql?

mysql> SELECT * FROM ( -> SELECT * FROM Last10RecordsDemo ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 -> )Var1 -> -> ORDER BY id ASC; The following is the output that displays the last 10 records. We can match both records with the help of the SELECT statement.

How do I find the youngest person in SQL?

To find the youngest student enrolled, you can use the following query: SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age FROM STUDENT WHERE Age = (SELECT MIN(Age) FROM STUDENT); This query returns all students whose age is equal to the age of the youngest student.

How can I get recent data in MySQL?

To get the last record, the following is the query. mysql> select *from getLastRecord ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1; The following is the output.

How to select last n rows from MySQL?

Question: How is it possible to retrieve last N rows from MySQL database that can be manipulated and be in ASC order? This will select the last 50 rows from table, and then order them in ascending order.

How to get last record in each group in MySQL?

Here are the steps to get last record in each group in MySQL. Let’s say you have a table product_sales (product, order_date,sale) that contains sales data for multiple products. Let’s say you want to get last record in each group, that is, for each product. First we use GROUP BY to get most recent date for each group.

How to retrieve last 5 rows from database?

Here we will be learning how to retrieve last 5 rows from a database table with the help of SQL queries. With the help of LIMIT clause in descending order.

How to show all databases in mysql command line?

Access to a command line/terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T or Ctrl-Alt-F2) Show MySQL Databases. To show databases in MySQL, use the MySQL Client. 1. Log into your MySQL client. If necessary, connect to a remote server using an SSL connection. Open a terminal window and enter the following command: mysql –u username –p