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How do I find out who owns the boundary?

How do I find out who owns the boundary?

If you are unsure who owns a boundary fence you can look at any copies of title deeds you have in your possession, or ask the Land Registry for Office Copies and a Title Plan.

How do I find out who is responsible for boundary fence?

Title plans are one of the best ways to see which fence belongs to your property. Title plans may feature a ‘T’ mark showing many of your property’s boundaries, and who is responsible for maintaining them. A T mark on one side of the boundary indicates that the person on that side is responsible for the fence.

How do you find out where your boundary is?

If you want to find out where the common boundary is between your property and your neighbour’s property, you can hire a registered surveyor to define the boundary. You can find surveyors in the Yellow Pages under ‘land surveyors’.

How do you know which fence is yours?

Also, there’s no set rule about whether you own the fence on the right or on the left-hand side of your house. You may be able to get this information from the conveyance deed, where there could be an already established boundary agreement regarding which fence side you are responsible for.

Which garden boundary is mine?

There is no general rule about whether you are responsible for the boundary fence on the left or right or rear of the property. If your property is registered at the Land Registry you can obtain what is called an ‘office copy’ comprising a title plan and register details.

Can I build on my boundary line?

In general, your neighbour only has the right to build up to the boundary line (line of junction) between the two properties but there are circumstances when they can legitimately build on your land. You can give consent for them to build a new party wall and foundations on your land.

How much does a boundary survey cost UK?

The application costs £90. You’ll also need to pay the surveyor and the solicitor a fee. If your neighbour agrees with your application, they’ll need to sign the form and the plan as well. If your application is successful, HM Land Registry ( HMLR ) will send you a copy of your updated title plan and register.

Do I own the left or right boundary?

The truth is, there is no general rule as to which boundaries that a property owns. It is entirely possible that your property is only responsible for the maintenance of the left boundary but it is equally possible that you are responsible for maintaining all of the boundaries to the property.

Which side of the fence do I own UK?

Article Summary. In England and Wales, there is no legal presumption that a person owns or must maintain a fence or other boundary barrier on the left or on the right. Ownership of the boundary is normally determined by the builder who erects the buildings.

How to find the boundaries of your property?

Finding Property Boundaries 1 Article Summary. There are two ways to find your property boundaries, resulting from two different definitions of boundary, each of which are valid. 2 Legal and Physical Boundaries. A property’s boundaries fall into 2 categories. 3 Legal Boundary. 4 Physical Boundary. 5 Gilks v Hodgson 2015.

How can I find out who owns my property?

When buying and selling property, most purchasers want to find out who owns the boundary fences, hedges, walls etc around the property. Unfortunately it is often the case that neither the seller nor their solicitor can provide a definitive answer.

How does the Ordnance Survey show the boundaries of a property?

England and Wales operates a ‘general boundaries’ system of land registration. A title plan with ‘general boundaries’ shows the boundary of a property in relation to a given physical feature on the ground such as a wall or hedge as identified on the Ordnance Survey map at the time the survey was carried out.

How does a property boundary work in Ireland?

Property Boundaries Ireland seldom uses Land Registry Compliant maps for land transfers or for land registration. Since the registered boundary is created from the legal boundary in the deed & deed map submitted for registration, one would expect the location of these two boundaries to be identical.