
How do I find out my blood type after donating?

How do I find out my blood type after donating?

You don’t need to know your blood type. Donors may be notified of their blood type following their donation when they receive their blood donor card or by creating a profile through the Red Cross Blood Donor App.

Do you find out your blood type if you donate blood?

Donors may be notified of their blood type following their donation when they receive their blood donor card or by creating a profile through the Red Cross Blood Donor App. You must be in good health.

How long does it take to find out blood type after donating?

Find yours on the chart to learn more! If you do not know your blood type, you can find out approximately three days after you donate with us, by calling 1-866-256-6372.

How do I look up my blood type?

Luckily, there are easy ways to find out your blood type.

  1. Ask your parents or doctor.
  2. Blood draw. Next time you go in to get your blood drawn, ask to know your blood type.
  3. At-home blood test. You can also purchase an at-home blood test online and have it shipped to your door.
  4. Blood donation.
  5. Saliva test.

How do I find out my blood type for free?

How to find out your blood type for free. One way to find out your blood type is to donate blood. If you donate to community blood supplies, ask the staff if they’ll be able to tell you your blood type. Many donation centers are able to provide that information.

Can you look up your blood type on Red Cross?

Yvette Miller, MD, Executive Medical Director for the American Red Cross Donor and Client Support Center, tells Verywell that anyone who donates through the American Red Cross can create a donor account on The Red Cross Blood Donor app or online, and will be able to view their blood type under their profile.

How much does it cost to find out your blood type?

Get a blood type test at Quest Diagnostics, the largest laboratory company in the US. Our service costs $36.11 and you should have your blood type test results in 3-5 business days.

What is Type O blood type?

Type O positive blood is given to patients more than any other blood type, which is why it’s considered the most needed blood type. 38% of the population has O positive blood, making it the most common blood type. Those with O positive blood can only receive transfusions from O positive or O negative blood types.

Where can I donate blood to find out my blood type?

If you donate to community blood supplies, ask the staff if they’ll be able to tell you your blood type. Many donation centers are able to provide that information. Typically, you won’t get your blood type immediately and may have to wait a few weeks, as blood isn’t commonly tested right away.

When do I need to donate my blood?

If a hospital needs blood for certain patients that have a compromised immune system, like a premature baby, my blood can be used. Of course, the type and cross matching would also confirm that the blood type (O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-) was right, and the other testing would have to be right (no Chagas virus, for example).

How does the Red Cross Check Your Blood Type?

Once your blood is processed and entered into the system the Red Cross will print you a donation card and mail it to you. The card has your blood type written on it in big letters. Just remember that as big as the Red Cross is, its funding is not what a for-profit institution’s would be, so turn around times can be longer than you might expect.

When do you find out your blood type?

If you do not know your blood type, you can find out approximately three days after you donate with us, by calling 1-866-256-6372.