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How do I display the contents of an array in PHP?

How do I display the contents of an array in PHP?

To see the contents of array you can use.

  1. print_r($array); or if you want nicely formatted array then:
  2. use var_dump($array) to get more information of the content in the array like datatype and length.
  3. you can loop the array using php’s foreach(); and get the desired output.

Can you echo an array in PHP?

Use print_r() Function to Echo or Print an Array in PHP It stores the output of print_r() function. If its value is True , then the function will return the value which is supposed to print. The array $flowers is passed as a parameter to this function.

Which of these arrays type in PHP is used for array with named keys ie having a key and value?

Associative arrays
The array() function is used to create an array. In PHP, there are three types of arrays: Indexed arrays – Arrays with numeric index. Associative arrays – Arrays with named keys.

How can we display information of a variable and readable by a human with PHP?

print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that’s readable by humans. print_r(), var_dump() and var_export() will also show protected and private properties of objects.

What is array and example?

An array is a data structure that contains a group of elements. Typically these elements are all of the same data type, such as an integer or string. For example, a search engine may use an array to store Web pages found in a search performed by the user.

Why Print_r is used in PHP?

The print_r() function is a built-in function in PHP and is used to print or display information stored in a variable. This parameter is of boolean type whose default value is FALSE and is used to store the output of the print_r() function in a variable rather than printing it.

What is arrays and its types?

Array: collection of fixed number of components (elements), wherein all of components have same data type. One-dimensional array: array in which components are arranged in list form. Multi-dimensional array: array in which components are arranged in tabular form (not covered)

How to display array values in PHP stack overflow?

So, I’m working with PHP for the first time and I am trying to retrieve and display the values of an array. After a lot of googling, the only methods I can find for this are print_r, var_dump or var_export. However, all of these methods return something that looks like this: I can’t figure out how to style this outout.

How to echo or print an array in PHP?

To see the contents of array you can use. 1) print_r ($array); or if you want nicely formatted array then: echo ‘ ‘; print_r ($array); echo ‘ ‘; 2) use var_dump ($array) to get more information of the content in the array like datatype and length.

What are the different types of arrays in PHP?

First it is good to know how may types of arrays are there in PHP programming language. There are three basic types: Multidimensional Array: Arrays whose elements may contains one or more arrays. There is no limit in the level of dimensions.Example: Lets look into some frequently used and useful array operations:

How to create an array in a PHP program?

PHP Arrays 1 Create an Array in PHP. 2 Get The Length of an Array – The count () Function. 3 Complete PHP Array Reference. For a complete reference of all array functions, go to our complete PHP Array Reference. 4 PHP Exercises. More