
How do I create a CV in Word 2016?

How do I create a CV in Word 2016?

To install a resume template in Word 2013/2016:Go to the File tab and select New.In the search bar, type resume or CV.Select a template that fits your needs and preferences and click Create.Fill in the template with your personal and professional information.

How can I decorate my CV?

If you go with color, use no more than two colors on your resume in addition to the black type of the main text. Pay attention to your sections and headings. Use boldface or different casing to separate sections of your resume, such as your education, experience, awards and certifications.

How do you write a creative CV?

Include your specialism within the profile and say how much experience you have in this area. Include a section for your technical skills – for example knowledge of Adobe Creative Cloud. Include keywords relevant to your target job and industry. Include a bit of name-dropping if you’ve worked with any impressive …