Users' questions

How do I create a custom post category in WordPress?

How do I create a custom post category in WordPress?

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Custom Post Type UI plugin. Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item in your WordPress admin menu called CPT UI. Now go to CPT UI » Add New to create a new custom post type. First, you need to provide a slug for your custom post type.

How do I add ACF field to custom post type?

Adding fields

  1. From the Custom Fields admin screen, click the Add New button to create a new field group.
  2. Add the fields you would like to see when editing a Post.
  3. Under Locations, select one of the Post related rule types (such as Post Type) and then select the corresponding value to show this field group.

How do you create a custom post category?

To get the custom post type categories you need to change the arguments passed into the wp_list_categories function. You need to define the taxonomy argument. If you have a custom post type for your products then to display all the categories for products you need to use the following snippet.

How do I create a custom field?

Simply create a new post or edit an existing one. Go to the custom fields meta box and select your custom field from the drop down menu and enter its value. Click on ‘Add Custom Field’ button to save your changes and then publish or update your post.

How do I add advanced custom fields?


  1. Log in to your WP install.
  2. From the Administration Panels, click on the Plugin Menu.
  3. Under Plugins, click the “Add New” sub menu.
  4. Search for “Advanced Custom Fields”
  5. Click the “Install Now” button on the ACF plugin (should be the first one)
  6. After installation, you will find a new menu item “Custom Fields”

How do I create a custom post in WordPress without plugins?

A custom post type can be added to WordPress using register_post_type() function. It very simple and you don’t need to use any plugin for that, you can register your custom post types without using Plugin.

How do I get all posts from a custom post type?

I want to fetch all posts that are of a custom type, here’s my snippet. $query = new WP_Query(array( ‘post_type’ => ‘custom’, ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’ )); while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); $post_id = get_the_ID(); echo $post_id; echo “”; } wp_reset_query();

What is post type?

Post Types is a term used to refer to different types of content in a WordPress site. When WordPress added different type of content, pages, they called it a different type of post hence post type. In the later versions, WordPress added the ability for developers to register their own custom post type.

How do I add a custom field to a post?

First, you need to edit the post or page where you want to add the custom field and go to the custom fields meta box. Next, you need to provide a name for your custom field and then enter its value. Click on the Add Custom Field button to save it.

What is a custom field?

Custom fields are a means for storing and representing contact data. While users typically use tags to further segment their contact lists, users employ custom fields to get even more granular than tags. Custom fields store data that is permanent and unique to each contact.

How to add custom fields to a post?

Advanced Custom Fields is a great plugin that gives you a graphical interface for building custom fields. You create sets of fields and then assign those sets to your custom post types, or really any number of criteria (but we’ll get to that a bit later).

What’s the best way to create custom post types?

There are plenty of great plugins out there that can help automate this task, such as Brad Williams’ Custom Post Type UI and Scott Clark’s Pods, but I have found that these add a layer of complexity to something that is actually deceptively simple. So when creating custom post types for a new project I prefer to go right to code.

How to create custom fields in WordPress plugin?

Custom Fields. Custom fields types: WYSIWYG editor, upload, text, textarea, select, checkbox, radio, number, HTML, time-picker, phone, currency select, color picker, heading. Easy to create custom fields for any post type. Support for Repeater Fields and Repeater Groups of custom fields.

How do I create custom fields in ACF?

Click “Add Field” to create the fields above as needed. ACF allows you to define a number of different field types in an easy-to-user interface for use with custom post types, specified post categories, specific pages, and more. In the “Location” section, you can establish the criteria on which the field group is to appear.