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How do I check my storage engine in MySQL?

How do I check my storage engine in MySQL?

Issue the SHOW ENGINES statement to view the available MySQL storage engines. Look for DEFAULT in the SUPPORT column. mysql> SHOW ENGINES; Alternatively, query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

What is the storage engine for MySQL?

MySQL 8.0 Supported Storage Engines. InnoDB : The default storage engine in MySQL 8.0. InnoDB is a transaction-safe (ACID compliant) storage engine for MySQL that has commit, rollback, and crash-recovery capabilities to protect user data.

What is the command to check available engines?

SHOW ENGINES displays status information about the server’s storage engines. This is particularly useful for checking whether a storage engine is supported, or to see what the default engine is.

What is the latest version of MySQL?

The MySQL Cluster product uses version 7….Release history.

Release 8.0
General availability 19 April 2018
Latest minor version 8.0.26
Latest release 2021-07-20
End of support Apr 2026

How can I tell if MySQL is using InnoDB?

To determine whether your server supports InnoDB : Issue the SHOW ENGINES statement to view the available MySQL storage engines. mysql> SHOW ENGINES; Alternatively, query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

Should I use InnoDB or MyISAM?

A lot of older sites are still using the MyISAM storage engine in their database. Over recent years, InnoDB has shown to perform better and be more reliable. A big reason to use InnoDB over MyISAM, is the lack of full table-level locking. This allows your queries to process faster.

How do I know MyISAM or InnoDB?

Simply check the value of the Engine column in the returned dataset to know which engine the table is using. SELECT ENGINE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA. TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME=’your_table_name’ AND TABLE_SCHEMA=’your_database_name’; — or use TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() if you have a default one.