
How are HSC results reported to TAFE NSW?

How are HSC results reported to TAFE NSW?

HSC assessment results achieved in your TAFE study are reported by TAFE to NESA as part of the minimum completion requirements for the HSC. You can seek advice from TAFE NSW Course Information Officers at any campus and from TAFE NSW Counsellors.

What can I do with TAFE in NSW?

TAFE NSW courses and related support programs will boost your confidence and be an asset for life. Courses include the Tertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC), an alternative to the HSC for university entrance, skills for work and vocational pathways, education support, employment and training.

Who is responsible for the HSC in NSW?

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) has developed the HSC curriculum and is responsible for managing completion requirements including the final examinations. NESA awards the HSC credential. HSC assessment results achieved in your TAFE study are reported by TAFE to NESA as part of the minimum completion requirements for the HSC.

What does Launchpad mean for TAFE NSW schools?

TAFE NSW Schools Launchpad is a different way to think about school and TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET). These 20 virtual courses combine teacher-led virtual classrooms with workshops and work placements across a range of exciting career areas within growth industries.

Why is Gymea important to TAFE NSW students?

Offering a range of training opportunities for students of all ages, TAFE NSW Gymea is always looking for new and innovative ways to invest in students and facilities, to improve learning techniques and outcomes.

Are there any further study courses at TAFE NSW?

Our HSC, TPC and Further Study courses vary from short courses which will provide foundation skills, all the way to preparation for degree-level study. Through the TAFE NSW HSC, TPC, Further Study and Career Pathways courses, you can gain the qualifications you need to broaden your career opportunities for a brighter future.

Where can I get help with my HSC?

You can seek advice from TAFE NSW Course Information Officers at any campus and from TAFE NSW Counsellors. Vocational Courses are offered within the HSC and may lead to a vocational qualification, suitable for entry to further study and work.