Users' questions

Can P element have ID?

Can P element have ID?

Yes, it’s OK. Every DOM member can have an ID. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with a

tag using an ID. Now, for applying CSS may be the case that is better for you using a class attribute instead of an id in

case because you might want to apply that style to several paragraphs.

How do I find the HTML element ID?

Finding the Element: Once you have located your inspect element tool, right click on the element and click Inspect Element. It will bring up the element ID.

Can HTML button have ID?

The id attribute on a tag assigns an identifier to the button. The identifier must be unique across the page.

Which element is not a block level element?

Note: An inline element cannot contain a block-level element!

What is ID used for in HTML?

The id global attribute defines an identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. Its purpose is to identify the element when linking (using a fragment identifier), scripting, or styling (with CSS).

What is the P

Control returns to the PROC processor and the command immediately following the P command is executed. The PW command is a useful debugging tool….P Command.

H Suppresses terminal output.
W ENTER Executes the current TCL command and continues with the Proc.
N Aborts the Proc and returns control to TCL.

How do you write P tag?


tag defines a paragraph. Browsers automatically add a single blank line before and after each

element. Tip: Use CSS to style paragraphs.

How do I see console elements?

Routine: From the console panel, use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl+f, mac: Cmd+f) to open up the search input UI. Enter any text you’d like to be found in the console.

What happens if two HTML elements have the same ID?

Answer. As HTML and CSS are designed to be very fault tolerant, most browsers will in fact apply the specified styles to all elements given the same id. However, this is considered bad practice as it defies the W3C spec. Applying the same id to multiple elements is invalid HTML and should be avoided.

Is P tag a block element?

Block Level Elements The p element is an example of a block level element. Each new paragraph tag will appear on its own line vertically. Paragraphs with longer content will stretch all the way to the edge of the page.