Users' questions

What is the meaning of the Wiggles?

What is the meaning of the Wiggles?

1 : to move the body or a bodily part to and fro with short writhing motions like a worm : squirm. 2 : to move or advance by twisting and turning. 3 : to extricate or insinuate oneself or reach a goal as if by wriggling.

What type of movement is wiggle?

The definition of a wiggle is a small fidgety movement. The squirmy movements made by a little puppy who is trying to escape from a hug are an example of a wiggle. To move back and forth with quick irregular motions.

What is squirming mean in English?

intransitive verb. : to twist about like a worm : fidget.

Is wriggle a real word?

verb (used without object), wrig·gled, wrig·gling. to twist to and fro; writhe; squirm. to move along by twisting and turning the body, as a worm or snake.

What is non-locomotor movement and examples?

Body Movements

Locomotor skills Non-locomotor skills Manipulative skills
running walking skipping bending stretching twisting turning pulling pushing throwing a Frisbee dribbling a basketball casting a fishing line

How do you use wiggle in a sentence?

Use wiggle in a sentence. noun. The definition of a wiggle is a small fidgety movement. The squirmy movements made by a little puppy who is trying to escape from a hug are an example of a wiggle.

What is the meaning of wiggle room in English?

English Language Learners Definition of wiggle room US, somewhat informal : the ability to make small changes in a plan, schedule, etc., if they are needed See the full definition for wiggle room in the English Language Learners Dictionary

What does it mean to wiggle out of something?

To wiggle is to get yourself out of something, to quickly move back and forth, or to fidget and squirm around. When you get out of doing dishes by declaring you have to use the bathroom and disappearing for 10 minutes, this is an example of when you wiggle out of doing the dishes.

Are there any synonyms for the word Wiggle?

Synonyms for wiggle. Synonyms: Verb. fiddle, fidget, jerk, jig, jiggle, squiggle, squirm, thrash, thresh, toss, twist, twitch, wriggle, writhe.