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What is the cervix transformation zone?

What is the cervix transformation zone?

The transformation zone is an area of changing cells, and it is the most common place on the cervix for abnormal cells to develop. These abnormal cells can be detected on a Pap smear. The location of the transformation zone varies among women. In older women, the transformation zone may be higher in the cervical canal.

Is transformation zone normal?

The transformation zone may be described as normal when it is composed of immature and/or mature squamous metaplasia along with intervening areas or islands of columnar epithelium, with no signs of cervical carcinogenesis (1.14a).

What is a Type 1 transformation zone?

Figure A1. 1. Diagrammatic representations of types of transformation zone (TZ). (a) Type 1 TZ, which is completely ectocervical, is fully visible, and may be small or large. (b) Type 2 TZ, which has an endocervical component but is still fully visible; the ectocervical component may be small or large.

What is transformation zone component?

Transformation zone component present. Another phrase that means your pap sampled cells both on the surface of your cervix and inside the canal. Like with “endocervical cells absent,” your pap didn’t pick up cells at the transition of the outside to the inside of your cervix. Nothing to worry about.

What is Type 2 transformation zone?

Type 2 – the upper limit of the TZ is partly or wholly situated in the endo-cervical canal but is completely visible around 360 degrees of that limit.

Where is the transformation zone?

The area where cervical cells are most likely to become cancerous is called the transformation zone. It is the area just around the opening of the cervix that leads on to the endocervical canal. The endocervical canal is the narrow passageway that runs up from the cervix into the womb.

What is Type 3 transformation zone?

Type 3 – part or the entire upper limit of the TZ cannot be seen in the canal. In Type 3. TZ the outer limit may be visible on the ectocervix, in the canal or also not visible.3. Figure 4 Description of transformation zone (TZ) categories.

How do you get HPV positive?

HPV spreads through sexual contact and is very common in young people — frequently, the test results will be positive. However, HPV infections often clear on their own within a year or two. Cervical changes that lead to cancer usually take several years — often 10 years or more — to develop.

Is the cervix attached to the uterus?

The cervix is a cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that connects the vagina and uterus. Located at the lowermost portion of the uterus, the cervix is composed primarily of fibromuscular tissue.

How do they remove precancerous cells in the cervix?

Doctors remove a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix in a procedure called conization. They may use conization to remove precancerous tissue high up in the cervical canal, along with a border of surrounding healthy tissue, to help ensure that all of the precancerous cells have been taken out.

Where is the transformation zone ( TZ ) in the cervix?

Transformation zone (TZ) (fig. 7, 8 and animation): Area betweenthe original SCJ and the new SCJ where the columnar epithelium (ectropion) has been replaced and/or is being replaced by the new metaplastic squamous epithelium. The TZ may be either wide or narrow depending on age, parity, prior infections and exposure to female hormones.

Where does the transformation zone begin and end?

Transformation zone: the physiologic area of metaplastic squamous epithelium between the exocervix and the endocervix; it begins distally at the original squamocolumnar junction present at adolescence and extends proximally to the current functional squamocolumnar junction

What does the transformation zone do in a smear test?

The transformation zone is where the nurse or doctor will take a sample of cervical cells from during cervical screening (a smear test). What does the cervix do? The cervix has an important role in the female reproductive system.

Which is the upper limit of the tztransformation zone?

Type 2 – the upper limit of the TZTransformation zoneThis region of the cervix where the columnar epithelium has been replaced and/or is being replaced by the new metaplastic squamous epithelium is referred to as the transformation zone.