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What is the best antonym for energetic?

What is the best antonym for energetic?

antonyms for energetic

  • dull.
  • easy-going.
  • laid-back.
  • weak.
  • lifeless.
  • slow.
  • sluggish.
  • tired.

What is the opposite word of Energised?

What is the opposite of energize?

dampen de-energize
deplete discourage
quell unfuel

What is the synonym of energize?

In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for energize, like: invigorate, electrify, fuel, brace, stimulate, fortify, activate, animate, weaken, sap and weary.

What are antonyms for Lively?

antonyms for lively

  • depressed.
  • down.
  • dull.
  • gloomy.
  • heavy.
  • sad.
  • unhappy.
  • lifeless.

What is the opposite neat?

Antonym of Neat Word. Antonym. Neat. Messy, Untidy. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is an antonym for populated?

Opposite of past tense for to populate with inhabitants. depopulated. unpeopled. departed. deserted.

What is the synonym of rudimentary?

basic, elementary, introductory, early, primary, initial, first. fundamental, essential. rare rudimental. advanced. 2’the equipment in all the workshops was rudimentary’

What is the synonym of inspiring?

In this page you can discover 69 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inspiring, like: heartening, inspirational, motivating, exhilarating, stimulating, rousing, animating, encouraging, influencing, inspiriting and stirring.

What is the antonym of motivating?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for motivating. calming, soothing, subduing, tranquilizing.

What do you call an energetic person?

An energetic and unpredictable person. live wire. fireball. go-getter. whizz-kid.

What are two synonyms for lively?


  • buoyant.
  • cheerful.
  • enjoyable.
  • festive.
  • frisky.
  • peppy.
  • provocative.
  • vigorous.

What is the adjective for energized?

As a verb energized is (energize). As an adjective energetic is possessing, exerting, or displaying energy.

What is another word for empowering?

empower, authorise, authorize(verb) give or delegate power or authority to. “She authorized her assistant to sign the papers”. Synonyms: invest, authorise, endue, authorize, endow, pass, indue, clear, gift.

What is another word for “very excited”?

Synonyms for very excited include crunk, energy-filled, excited, ablaze, passionate, aroused, incensed, stimulated, animated and impassioned. Find more similar words

What is another word for high energy?

Princeton ‘s WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: high-energy(adj) of or relating to elementary particles having energies of hundreds of thousands of electron volts. Synonyms: high-octane, high-powered, high-voltage, high-power.