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What is the average height for a 13 year old in India?

What is the average height for a 13 year old in India?

Age (years) n Height (cm)
12-13 87 150.5 (7.5)
92 151.7 (6.0)
13-14 45 154.9 (6.9)
89 159.4 (6.1)

What is the normal height for a boy?

5 feet 9 inches
For American men 20 years old and up, the average age-adjusted height is 69.1 inches (175.4 cm), or just over 5 feet 9 inches tall….Height by age.

Age (years) 50th percentile height for boys (inches and centimeters)
16 68.3 in. (173.5 cm)
17 69.1 in. (175.5 cm)
18 69.3 in. (176 cm)

What is the normal height of a Indian boy?

Now, the average height for Indian men is 5.8 feet (177 cm), and that for women is 5.3 feet (162 cm). Earlier, the average heights for men and women were considered to be 5.6 feet (171cm) and 5 feet (152 cm), respectively.

What is the average weight of Indian child?

Typically, a twelve-month-old boy weighs 7.8 -11.8 kg and a twelve-month-old girl weighs 7.1-11.3 kg.

Is 5 2 A good height for female?

When considering the human population of the world, we find that the average female height is 65 inches (5 feet 5 inches). That is shorter than 58 inches (four foot ten) or taller than 72 inches (six foot) would be “really” short or tall. 5–2 is at the shorter end of the “normal”, but it is still normal.

Which height is best for girl?

The ideal height for a woman, according to the average man, is 5’6”. Notably, this excludes 10% of men who say there is no such thing as too short and 9% who say no height is too tall. Similarly, there is no “too short” for 4% of women and no “too tall” for 7%.

Is 5’9 a good height for a guy?

As for men who are 5’9, this height is interesting because it’s considered the average height of the American male, yet in some countries, it’s actually considered tall for a man. A man who stands 5’9 in bare feet can easily pass as 5-11 if he wears shoe lifts.

Is 5 feet 7 inches a good height in India?

The average height of an Indian man is 5′5′ . So this is definitely above average and not short. 5 Feet 7 Inches Is A Decent Height For Men In India..

Does height increase after 20?

Summary: For most people, height will not increase after age 18 to 20 due to the closure of the growth plates in bones. Compression and decompression of the discs in your spine lead to small changes in height throughout the day.

Which height is best for girl in India?

According to a survey conducted by Ipsos in May 2019 regarding the most important attributes in a person to be considered beautiful, about 44 percent of the Indian respondents considered a height range between 5’1 and 5’4 to be ideal amongst women.

Is 5 foot short for a girl in India?

India — 158.76cm (5 feet 2.50 inches) The average Indian women is 152.58cm (5 feet 0.07 inches) tall.

How tall should a child be in India?

Most of the Indian parents want their children’s growth and development to keep pace with their neighbor’s kids or the kids of the same age. Indian pediatricians recommend the parents to follow the IAP approved height weight chart for boys and girls in India.

Which is taller a boy or a girl?

Baby Height and Weight chart month-wise from birth till the age of 2 years (World Health Organisation (WHO) Child Growth Standards) can be found here. Boys, even in infancy, tend to be taller, heavier and grow faster than girls do.

Which is the best weight and height chart in India?

Below is the useful age-wise weight chart & height chart for boys and girls made from data by WHO and IAP. The chart can help the Indian parents contribute positively to their children’s growth. Below charts are made with sole purpose of making the growth charts easy for new parents in India.

What’s the average weight of an Indian baby?

Most babies double their birth weight at 5 months and treble it at 1 year. While the average length of the baby at birth is about 50 cms (20 inches), it rises to 75 cms (30 inches) at 1 year, i.e., one and a half times than at birth. If your baby is ill for any period of time, she may lose weight, but she will regain it once she is well.