What is makeKeyAndVisible iOS?
This is a convenience method to show the current window and position it in front of all other windows at the same level or lower. If you only want to show the window, change its isHidden property to false .
What does makeKeyAndVisible do?
The makeKeyAndVisible message makes a window key, and moves it to be in front of any other windows on its level.
What is window in Swift?
The backdrop for your app’s user interface and the object that dispatches events to your views.
What is UIApplication in Swift?
The UIApplication object provides the application-wide control and coordination for an iOS application. It’s responsible for handling the initial routing of incoming user events (touches, for example) as well as for dispatching action messages from control objects (such as buttons) to the appropriate target objects.
What is UIResponder in iOS?
UIResponder, UIEvent and UIControl. In short, UIResponder instances represents objects that can handle and respond to arbitrary events. Many things in iOS are UIResponders , including UIView , UIViewController , UIWindow , UIApplication and UIApplicationDelegate .
What is RootViewController in iOS?
The root view controller for the window. iOS 4.0+
Is SceneDelegate required?
After adding new features and support for iOS 13, the recent version now requires minimum iOS target of iOS 13. There is no SceneDelegate in my project at all and still the app is working perfectly as expected. Also the app doesn’t require multi window support.
What is Rootviewcontroller in iOS?
Is Swift free to use?
Platform Support. One of the most exciting aspects of developing Swift in the open is knowing that it is now free to be ported across a wide range of platforms, devices, and use cases.
What is SceneDelegate in Swift?
The SceneDelegate is specifically responsible for managing the active window, including displaying views.
What is UIViewController in iOS?
A UIViewController is an object which manages the view hierarchy of the UIKit application. The UIViewController defines the shared behavior and properties for all types of ViewController that are used in the iOS application. The UIViewController class inherits the UIResponder class.