
What is EO data?

What is EO data?

EO is defined as the process of acquiring observations of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere via remote sensing instruments. The acquired data is usually in the form of digital imagery.

How many bands of data does a Hyperion scene include?

six bands
A cloud-cover detection algorithm, developed for processing the Hyperion hyperspectral data, uses six bands in the reflected solar spectral regions to discriminate clouds from other bright surface features such as snow, ice, and desert sand.

Where can I download Hyperion data?

The data are available in Geographic Tagged Image-File Format (GeoTIFF) and are distributed via download at no charge through either EarthExplorer or USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis).

What is Hyperion image?

Hyperion provides a high resolution hyperspectral imager capable of resolving 242 spectral bands (from 0.4 to 2.5 �m) with a 30-meter resolution. The instrument can image a 7.5 km by 100 km land area per image, and provide detailed spectral mapping across all channels with high radiometric accuracy.

What is Earth observation data?

Earth observation is the gathering of information about planet Earth’s physical, chemical and biological systems via remote sensing technologies, usually involving satellites carrying imaging devices. Earth observation is used to monitor and assess the status of, and changes in, the natural and manmade environment.

How many bands are present in hyperspectral image?

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) consists of many more than 20 bands of spectral data for each pixel.

How do you get hyperspectral data?

You can check with research institutions and government organizations who have conducted hyperspectral measurements over your study area and request them for sharing the data. Sometimes if you have a convincing research proposal you may be lucky to get even commercial data for free.

What are the two methods by which remotely sense data are recorded?

Vegetation remote sensing is a principal application of LIDAR. Radiometers and photometers are the most common instrument in use, collecting reflected and emitted radiation in a wide range of frequencies. The most common are visible and infrared sensors, followed by microwave, gamma-ray, and rarely, ultraviolet.

When was the EO-1 Earth observing satellite launched?

The EO-1 satellite was launched on November 21, 2000 with the NASA’s New Millennium Program (NMP). The NMP was an advanced-technology development program created a new generation of technologies and mission concepts into future Earth and space science missions.

How big is the eo-1-eoportal Directory satellite mission?

S/C total mass =572 kg (dry mass = 370 kg, payload mass = 90 kg), power= 600 W EOL (300 W orbit average) and 50 Ah super NiCd battery (28±7 V DC power). The OBC uses a Mongoose V (M5) processor with 12 MHz and 1.8 Gbit of TT&C data storage.

What was the purpose of the EO-1 mission?

The EO-1 baseline mission (funded by NASA) lasted from launch (Nov. 21, 2000) to the end of 2001, covering mainly instrument performance and instrument data validation and analysis. EO-1 has provided a testbed for refining specifications and expectations in the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM).

How to download Earth Observing one ( EO-1 ) coverage maps?

The file with the .L1.hdr appendage is an ENVI-ready header for linking the band number with the band center wavelength. Coverage Maps indicating the availability of Earth-Observing One Hyperion products are available for download. All EO-1 archived product images should be previewed prior to download.