What is Al Anon Step study?
Step Study – It is recommended that one of Al-Anon’s Twelve Steps be covered in at least one meeting per month. The chairperson or leader reads the Step and provides an explanation followed by discussion.
What are the Al Anon principles?
Al-Anon has three sets of guiding principles called Three Legacies. These include “Recovery through the Twelve Steps,” “Unity through the Twelve Traditions,” and “Service through the Twelve Concepts of Service.”
What is the main book for Al Anon?
for Families & Friends of Alcoholics. Al‑Anon’s basic, most comprehensive book discusses all aspects of our program of recovery.
What are the three A’s in Al Anon?
awareness, acceptance, and action
I first learned of the three A’s, awareness, acceptance, and action from Alanon which is a wonderful self-help group for the family and friends of the alcoholic.
What is step 8 in Al-Anon?
The eighth step involves making amends with others who may have been harmed by your alcohol or drug use.
What is Al-Anon short for?
Al-Anon was co-founded in 1951, 16 years after the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous on June 10, 1935, by Anne B. and Lois W. (wife of AA co-founder Bill W.). Before the formation of Al-Anon, independent groups of families of alcoholics met. Its name derives from the first parts of the words “Alcoholics Anonymous”.
Is the big book Al-Anon approved?
Answer: Although Al-Anon’s roots are based in A.A., the A.A. “big book” is not and never has been Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL).
What is Cal in Al-Anon?
Conference Approved Literature (CAL) | Al-Anon Family Groups.
Who started Al-Anon?
Lois W.
Anne B.
What does AFG mean in Alanon?
Anon Family Groups
General Information About Al-Anon & Alateen. Al-Anon Family Groups (AFG) is a community resource providing support to anyone affected by a relative or friend’s drinking. There are over 24,000 Al-Anon and 2,300 Alateen groups meeting in 115 countries.