
What is a 5311?

What is a 5311?

The Section 5311(f) Intercity Bus Program is designed to address the intercity travel needs of residents in non-urbanized areas of the state by funding services that provide them access to the intercity bus and transportation networks in California.

What are FTA requirements?

FTA requires employers that receive financial assistance from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and by contractors of those employers, to implement programs, as specified in 49 CFR Part 655, that are designed to help prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities resulting from the misuse of alcohol and use of …

What is FTA compliance?

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) oversees safety measures and provides financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys, and ferries.

What is an FTA grant?

FTA provides grants to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys and ferries. FTA provides annual formula grants to transit agencies nationwide as well as discretionary funding in competitive processes.

What is an FTA Circular?

What is an FTA circular? FTA circulars provide instructions to grantees or other stakeholders on how FTA grants will be administered. This guidance provides grantees with direction on program specific issues and statutory requirements. Must FTA provide opportunities for comment on circulars?

What are 5310 funds?

5310) provides formula funding to states for the purpose of assisting private nonprofit groups in meeting the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities when the transportation service provided is unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate to meeting these needs.

What is FTA short for?


Acronym Definition
FTA Free To Air (satellite broadcast)
FTA Free-to-air (free television)
FTA Federal Transit Administration (US government)
FTA Free-Trade Agreement

What is trade FTA?

A free trade area (FTA) refers to a specific region wherein a group of countries signs a trade agreement that seals the economic cooperation among them. The FTA’s main goals are to bring down barriers in trading, specifically tariffs and import quotas.

What does FTA mean in slang?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: From the Article
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 4: Difficult to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What charge is FTA?

Failure To Appear
When a person is charged with a crime, they agree to appear for court proceedings related to that crime. Failing to appear for those court procedures may result in being charged with Failure To Appear. This new charge of failure to appear is in addition to whatever original charges the defendant was facing.

What is the meaning of paratransit?

Paratransit provides transportation for people with disabilities who are unable to use the regular, fixed route transit service that serves their region. Paratransit usually provide door-to-door service for people who call to reserve a ride.

What are the requirements for an FTA grant?

Requirements. FTA monitors grants and federally funded projects to confirm that grantees establish and follow federally mandated procedures, such as: Demonstrating legal, financial, and technical capacity to carry out programs and projects Providing technical inspection and supervision by qualified professionals of all work in progress Ensuring…

What do you need to know about the FTA?

FTA monitors grants and federally funded projects to confirm that grantees establish and follow federally mandated procedures, such as: Demonstrating legal, financial, and technical capacity to carry out programs and projects. Providing technical inspection and supervision by qualified professionals of all work in progress.

What is the Federal share of section 5311?

The federal share is 80 percent for capital projects, 50 percent for operating assistance, and 80 percent for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) non-fixed route paratransit service. Section 5311 funds are available to the States during the fiscal year of apportionment plus two additional years (total of three years).