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What happens if you see a bobcat in CT?

What happens if you see a bobcat in CT?

Anyone who finds a ROAD-KILLED BOBCAT is urged to call the Wildlife Division at 860-424-3011 and provide location details. (Please DO NOT report sightings of live bobcats at this number — see below on how to report sightings.)

What does a bobcat look like in CT?

Description: The bobcat is a stout-bodied, medium-sized feline, with a short, “bobbed” tail (about six inches in length), prominent cheek ruffs, and tufts of black hair on its pointed ears. The sides and back are generally the same color with faint black spots; grayer in winter and tan in summer.

Can I kill a bobcat in CT?

Legally protected from hunting and trapping since 1972, Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection now estimates the statewide bobcat population has grown to almost 1,500 across all eight counties.

Do mountain lions live in Connecticut?

Although there are numerous reported sightings of mountain lions in Connecticut every year, the animals have actually been extinct in this state for more than a century. Bobcats are found across Connecticut, but even fully grown they are much smaller than what she was describing, only weighing between 18 and 35 pounds.

Are there wolves in Connecticut?

“Connecticut has become home to the eastern coyote (Canis latrans var.) And for anyone worried about encountering a gray wolf in Connecticut, Vann said there are no wolves in our state. The closest population is in Algonquin Park, Quebec, Canada.

Do mountain lions live in CT?

The official word is that mountain lions were declared extinct in Connecticut back in the late 1800s but sightings have become much more prevalent. According to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), there are simply no mountain lions in Connecticut but many people would disagree.

Would a bobcat eat a cat?

Bobcats are known for being incredible hunters. These predators are wildly successful. Their favorite prey is the rabbit, but bobcats will eat many animals, such as birds, lizards, snakes, and other small mammals. Yes, that includes your cat, if it’s in a place that a bobcat can reach it.

Are there any cougars in Connecticut?

However, the species of large cat is not native to the state of Connecticut. In 2011, a young, male cougar was killed in Connecticut after traveling roughly 1,500 from South Dakota. Halm believes bobcat, bear and mountain lion sightings have increased over the last decade.

What is the deadliest animal in Connecticut?

The Most Dangerous Animals In Connecticut Today The most dangerous mammal is easily the black bear. These massive bears can weigh up to 500 pounds and run up to 35 miles per hour, but it’s estimated that there are only roughly 300 of these bears in the state.

Are there any wolves in Connecticut?

Is there a bobcat in the state of Connecticut?

Background: The bobcat is the only wild cat found in Connecticut and the most common wild cat in North America. Its status has changed dramatically in our state. Historically, bobcats were not protected in Connecticut and were viewed as a threat to agriculture and game species. The state even had a bounty on bobcats from 1935-1971.

Who are the members of the Connecticut Bobcat project?

Bobcat Webinar: Learn about Connecticut’s Bobcat Project to assess the state’s bobcat population, presented by Melissa Ruszczyk, along with Laura Rogers-Castro and Jenna Lopardo, of the Wildlife Division.

Where can I find Bobcats in the winter?

Not normally scavengers, bobcats will feed on fresh road-killed deer in the winter, Hawley says, as well as taking down smaller deer on occasion. He adds that one of the best places to find squirrels and rabbits is in suburban backyards.

Which is the most common wild cat in Connecticut?

Background: The bobcat is the only wild cat found in Connecticut and the most common wild cat in North America. Its status has changed dramatically in our state.