Users' questions

What does being altered mean?

What does being altered mean?

Altered behavior is behavior you have changed, like the altered habits of your housebroken dog. Altered comes from the Medieval Latin alterare, or “to change.” Definitions of altered. adjective. changed in form or character without becoming something else.

How do you use altered in a sentence?

Altered sentence example

  1. He altered his path for the kitchen.
  2. She’d altered her own future, based on what he showed her.
  3. The information was beyond valuable, and on a level that further altered Gabe’s perception on Deidre.

What is the meaning of Ulter?

By the early 18th century it was being used to mean both “more distant” (literally and figuratively) and “situated on the farther side.” The “hidden” sense with which we’re most familiar today followed quickly after those, with the word modifying nouns like “purpose,” “design,” and “consequence.” “Ulterior” comes …

What is an example of alteration?

The definition of an alteration is a revision. Remodeling a house is an example of an alteration. The state of being altered; a change made in the form or nature of a thing; changed condition.

What is Alter used for?

ALTER TABLE is used to add, delete/drop or modify columns in the existing table. It is also used to add and drop various constraints on the existing table. ADD is used to add columns into the existing table.

How do you use the word altered?

1) Her face hadn’t altered much over the years. 2) These clothes are too large; they must be altered. 3) He had not altered greatly in the last ten years. 4) We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet’s atmosphere.

What is a spiritual altar?

An altar is a place of sacrifice and a power point to draw spiritual and supernatural strength (Genesis 8:20-21). Your family altar is raised up specifically to pray for your own individual family and for the needs of other people around you as you feel led and directed by the Spirit of God.

What is the use of altar?

altar, in religion, a raised structure or place that is used for sacrifice, worship, or prayer.

What is the full meaning of Alter?

Definition. Options. Rating. ALTER. Activities Location Timing Environment Resources.

What is it called when you change something?

1 transmute, transform; vary, mutate; amend, modify. 3 replace, swap. 4 trade.

What is called alteration?

1 : the act or process of altering something The dress needs alteration for a proper fit. : the state of being altered. 2 : the result of changing or altering something: such as. a : a change made in fitting a garment no charge for alterations.

What does the name altered mean?

The name Alter is of Yiddish origin. The meaning of Alter is “old, elder”. Alter is generally used as a boy’s name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Al-ter.

What is the legal definition of alteration?

Alteration Law and Legal Definition. Alteration generally means modification or change. Alter is defined as “to cause to become different in some particular characteristic . . . without changing into something else.”.

What is an antonym for alter?

Antonyms for alter: endure, continue, destroy, remain, hold, maintain, stay, keep, retain, fix, preserve, leave alone, hurt, sustain, stagnate, abide, persist, bide, ruin. Usage examples for alter: There are only a few things to alter.”.