
What does a black mark on your nail mean?

What does a black mark on your nail mean?

Another cause of black lines on the nails is a splinter hemorrhage, which occurs when blood vessels under the fingernail are damaged, often due to injuries, such as hitting. More seriously, a black line or lines on the nails can indicate the presence of melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer.

How do you know if you have nail cancer?

This may look like a brown or black band in the nail — often on the thumb or big toe of your dominant hand or foot. However, this dark streak can show up on any nail. Dark skin next to your nail. When the skin around your nail becomes darker, it could be a sign of advanced melanoma.

How do you get rid of black marks on your nails?

Over-the-counter ointments, creams, and polishes are usually effective. Severe cases may require a prescription antifungal treatment. If a black toenail is caused by an injury, the resulting spot from broken blood vessels will disappear once your nail grows out.

How long can you live with subungual melanoma?

The survival rates can get lower depending on how advanced the condition is when diagnosed and treated. If subungual melanoma is diagnosed at its final stage, or Stage IV, the survival rate is 15% to 20% at five years and 10% to 15% at 10 years.

Why is the skin under my nails very dark?

Deficiency of Vitamin B6 and B12 is the chief cause of having dark skin around the nails.

What causes black spots under fingernails?

Black spots under fingernails. A subungual hematoma is the most likely cause of black spots under fingernails. A subungual hematoma can be found under fingernails or toenail. It often constitutes an accumulation of blood caused by trauma.

Why is there a black spot on my toe?

That unsightly black spot can be a small or large dot that appears on the nail bed of the toe or under the toenail. It could be a black toenail fungus or a collection of dried blood from a recent injury to the toe.

What causes black lines under toenail?

Black lines on the nail can be the result of many conditions. Trauma is one of the most common causes of splinter hemorrhages. This can occur when something hurts your nail bed and bursts a blood vessel under your nail.