
What are the nutrition facts for Ezekiel bread?

What are the nutrition facts for Ezekiel bread?

The nutrition facts for one slice of Ezekiel 4:9 bread are:

  • Calories: 80.
  • Fat: 0.5 grams.
  • Saturated fat: 0 grams.
  • Sodium: 75 milligrams.
  • Carb: 15 grams.
  • Fiber: 3 grams.
  • Sugar: 0 grams.
  • Protein: 4 grams.

Is eating Ezekiel bread good for you?

Ezekiel bread is as healthy as a bread gets. It’s a type of sprouted bread, made from a variety of whole grains and legumes that have started germinating (sprouting). Compared to white bread, which is made of refined wheat flour, Ezekiel bread is much richer in healthy nutrients and fiber.

How many carbs are in Ezekiel bread?

One slice of this bread contains 15 grams (g) of carbohydrate so people could incorporate it into a low-carb diet plan. However, as Ezekiel bread contains grains such as wheat and barley, it is unsuitable for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Is Ezekiel bread a complete protein?

While most wheat breads contain one grain, Ezekiel Bread has six sprouted whole grains and legumes. The combination of grains and legumes in Ezekiel bread makes the protein available in this bread a “complete protein” meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids that you must get from your diet.

Can I lose weight eating Ezekiel bread?

Sprouted grain bread is lower in carbs and calories and has less of an impact on blood sugar compared to other types of bread. It may even help you lose weight.

Can you eat Ezekiel bread on keto?

All types of bread are carby foods, so they’re best avoided on a keto diet, especially at the beginning. However, if you’re following a cyclical keto diet or carb-cycling diet it’s ok to have Ezekiel bread on carb-loading days.

Does Ezekiel bread make you poop?

Whole grain bread for constipation relief Whole grains have lots of fiber, which is a good choice not only for the bowels, but also the heart. Ezekiel bread is another good choice for relief of constipation. It is bread made of sprouted whole grains and legumes, which provides a good dose of fiber and nutrients.

Can you eat Ezekiel bread on low-carb diet?

Is Ezekiel bread low in carbs? According to Medical News Today, one slice of Ezekiel bread contains around 15g carbohydrates. A low-carb diet allows for 50g or less carbs per day, while the ketogenic diet limits carbs to around 20g a day. This means Ezekiel bread could be eaten in moderation as part of a low-carb diet.

What brand of bread is the lowest in carbs?

I have listed the brands based on the net carbs per serving, from lowest to highest.

  • Linda’s Delights Biscuit.
  • Sola Sliced Bread (Golden Wheat)
  • BFree Brown Seeded Sandwich Loaf.
  • Sola Burger Buns.
  • Nature’s Harvest Light Multigrain Bread.
  • Dave’s Killer Bread – Good Seed Thin-Sliced.
  • Ezekiel 4:9 English Muffin.

Is Ezekiel bread high in carbs?

Ezekiel bread is a high-carb food. People with diabetes and those trying to lose weight should only eat it in small amounts. Ezekiel bread is not consistent with a keto diet. Although Ezekiel bread is technically flourless, it is not a gluten-free product.

Is Ezekiel bread hard to digest?

Ezekiel bread is free of sugar and artificial dyes, and it’s also low in sodium. Since Ezekiel bread is sprouted, the grains are easier to digest. That’s because sprouted grains may contain less tough-to-digest starch, and the nutrients are easier to absorb, adds Meshulam.

What nutrients are in Ezekiel bread?

Nutrients of Ezekiel Bread. There are some nutrients contained in Ezekiel bread that we should know : 80 calories. 0.5 grams of fat. 0 grams of saturated and trans fat. 75 milligrams of sodium. 3 grams of fiber. 4 grams of protein.

How much sodium in Ezekiel bread?

Tips to know. A slice of Ezekiel bread will have 80 calories, 75 milligrams of sodium, 15 grams of carbohydrates, four grams of protein, 80 milligrams of potassium and five grams of fat.

What is the nutritional value of bread?

Most of the calories in bread come from carbohydrates, which are a major part of the nutritional value. A typical slice of supermarket bread contains about 70 calories, with a few calories from fat and protein. White bread is a poor source of fiber and offers only about 1 gram (g) per slice, while whole wheat bread contains about 2 g.