
What are the 5 parts of Lectio Divina?

What are the 5 parts of Lectio Divina?

Terms in this set (5)

  • Reading. Read a passage slowly and carefully within the bible.
  • Prayer. Having a loving conversation with God.
  • Meditation. Thinking deeply or swelling upon a spiritual reality within a text.
  • Contemplation. Resting in Gods presence.
  • Action. Go and do likewise.

How do you perform lectio divina?

How to pray: Lectio Divina

  1. Meditate. Then, after reading or listening for a second time, consider: what sticks out to you? Perhaps it’s a particular image, phrase, or single word.
  2. Pray. Respond to the text and to God. Ask God to show you what He wants you to take from it.
  3. Contemplate. Rest with God.

What are the four steps to Lectio Divina?

Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. First a passage of scripture is read, then its meaning is reflected upon. This is followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God.

Why is Lectio Divina important?

Lectio Divina is simply a way of reading scripture and conversing with the Lord, because scripture is unlike any other document the church gives us. When we read scripture, God speaks to us personally. It is a living word, and it is a word that has power unlike any other. As Pope St.

What are the 4 steps of Lectio Divina?

Is Lectio Divina mental prayer?

L ectio Divina is an ancient spiritual practice from the Christian monastic tradition. In Lectio Divina, we seek to experience the presence of God through reading and listening, prayer, meditation and contemplation. Lectio Divina can be done as an individual or as a group.

What is the last step in lectio divina?

Lectio Divina has been likened to “feasting on the Word”: first, the taking of a bite (lectio); then chewing on it (meditatio); savoring its essence (oratio) and, finally, “digesting” it and making it a part of the body (contemplatio).

Is Lectio Divina a good form of prayer?

As is often said about Scripture, this type of prayer is itself “Ever Ancient, Ever New.” The practice of Lectio Divina is best when it is experienced. The best way I can explain it is that it is an experience of prayer where you read Scripture in a prayerful and reflective way until God speaks to you through his Word.

What are the steps of the Lectio Divina?

The Steps of Lectio Divina Choose a text of the Scriptures that you wish to pray. Place yourself in a quiet environment. Calm your anxieties and thoughts, and acknowledge God’s presence. Offer a prayer to the Holy Spirit for inspiration and guidance: Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten my heart and mind to listen to your Word.

What does Pope Benedict say about Lectio Divina?

In particular, Benedict called upon us seminarians to develop this relationship with Scripture, via lectio divina, as preparation for the priesthood:

What are the steps in the encounter with God?

Then, as a result of the encounter with God in Scripture, we are also called to Actio (action). Each of these steps together form a process by which we encounter God in his sacred word and respond to his grace.