
What are economic effects of disaster?

What are economic effects of disaster?

caused by the initial impact of natural disasters may lead to indirect damages (of potential wages and capital) at the macro level in terms of forgone production and/or agricultural output, thereby affecting the country’s GDP in the long term.

What are the disastrous effect of tsunami?

4. Types of tsunami impacts

Impact People and Animals
Contamination Contaminated water injures and causes health hazards
Debris/sediments of soil Human fatalities and severe injuries
Gas and Fire Leakage of gas, explosions due to leakage.
Electricity Electric poles and electrical appliances are affected

What were the economic effects of the 2004 tsunami?

It suffered mostly economic damages over one million dollars involving fishing industries with more than 200 boats sunk. No deaths were reported. Ten people were reported killed, and flooding destroyed a major bridge between the capital Port Victoria and main airport.

What are the effects of hazards on the economy of a community?

In addition to the loss of lives and major destruction of economic and social infrastructure, natural disasters set back poverty reduction programs and cause diversion of government funds to pay for reconstruction and recovery efforts.

What are the social impacts of disaster?

Injuries sustained, during disaster events, exposure to weather hazards (this may be linked to damages to dwelling units), aggravation of poor sanitation, pollution of water sources all impact negatively on the physical and psychological health status of the people affected by natural disasters.

How do ecosystems recover from tsunamis?

For tsunami and especially hurricane protection, coastal ecosystems like mangroves, barrier islands, wetlands, and coral reefs can absorb and reduce wave energy and water height, thereby protecting the land from erosion, but at the same time, they can sustain heavy damage from the energy of the water.

What is the prevention of tsunami?

Plan evacuation routes from your home, school, workplace, or any other place you could be where tsunamis present a risk. If possible, pick areas (30 meters) above sea level or go as far as 3 kilometres inland, away from the coastline. If you cannot get this high or far, go as high or far as you can.

What are the social impacts of tsunamis?

After the rescue of survivors, the primary public health concerns are clean drinking water, food, shelter, and medical care for injuries. Flood waters can pose health risks such as contaminated water and food supplies. Loss of shelter leaves people vulnerable to insect exposure, heat, and other environmental hazards.

What were the environmental impacts of the 2004 tsunami?

There were some environmental impact as an aftermath of the tsunami. In the affected region, crops were destroyed and farm land was ruined by the salt water. Many forest and trees such as mangrove forests along the coast were also destroyed. Coral reefs and coastal wetlands were damaged.

What are the economic and social impact of disaster?

Although disaster events impact both developed and developing countries, in the latter, they can cause a sharp increase in poverty. Most economic assessments of the impacts of disasters have concentrated on direct losses—that is, the financial cost of physical damage.

What was the economic impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami?

This paper documents and analyzes the immediate economic impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami generated by the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004, with a focus on Indonesia (Aceh province) and Sri Lanka, and assesses the disaster management process.

Where was the worst tsunami in the world?

The greatest tropical Cyclonethis century occurred in Bangladesh in November 1970. Winds coupled with a storm surge killed between 300,000- 500,000people.. July 28,1976 A M7.8 Earthquakeoccurred in Tangshan, Hebei Province, China, 255000 Died and 164000 people were seriously injured.

How tall was the tsunami in Indonesia in 1883?

The paroxysmal explosion and collapse of the volcano of Krakatoa in 1883generated formidable tsunami waves that were up to 37 m in height. These waves destroyed 295 towns and villages in the Sunda Strait in Western Java and Southern Sumatra.

Where did the tsunami hit in December 2004?

Ibrahim Rahmat was out fishing at sea when the tsunami hit his village of Kampung Baru in the coastal sub district of Peukan Bada in Indonesia. Two days later when he returned home, only two of the more than 800 people in the village that day were still alive. ……But never in living memory in the blink of an eye ADPC This is not new