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How much does it cost to get my marriage annulled?

How much does it cost to get my marriage annulled?

The marriage annulment cost is often less than a divorce unless your spouse contests the annulment. If so, like a divorce, the cost will increase because there will be additional court appearances. Costs are always changing, as are filing fees, but you can often get your marriage annulled for a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

Is the annulment of marriage in the Catholic Church?

It is a myth that an annulment is “Divorce, Catholic style.” Truth: The truth is that an annulment can’t erase history, and doesn’t try to. An annulment in the Catholic Church deals only with the sacrament of marriage, and not the legal, historical, emotional truth of marriage.

Do you have to have grounds for annulment?

You still, however, must have grounds for annulment. Luckily, even if you get an annulment, any children of the marriage are still legitimate, and your children’s father is still the legal father. What Are the Grounds for Annulment? To have a marriage annulled, you’ll have to prove one of the grounds for annulment.

What’s the difference between an annulment and a divorce?

A divorce focuses on the end of a marriage; an annulment looks at the beginning, the very moment the couple said “I do.” A divorce looks at marriage in civil law; an annulment looks at marriage from the perspective of the Gospel and of Church doctrine.

How does an annulment of a marriage work?

Just like a divorce, a civil annulment (which isn’t the same as a religious annulment) ends a marriage: Spouses become single again and can remarry. But an annulment goes one step further by voiding a marriage–as if it never existed.

Can a marriage be annulled for religious reasons?

These individuals are likely to pursue an annulment, with divorce as a last resort. Likewise, there are those who seek an annulment for religious reasons. The bottom line is that in today’s environment you’re much more likely to qualify for a divorce than an annulment. So the choice of which avenue to pursue may be out of your hands.

What happens when a marriage is annulled in New Jersey?

The main benefit of annulment is that the law treats the marriage as if it never existed–it’s over, and there are no further issues to deal with. Courts don’t usually divide property during an annulment proceeding, but in some states like New Jersey, courts can award alimony (spousal support).