
How do I stop vassals from fighting each other ck2?

How do I stop vassals from fighting each other ck2?

With level 3 in the Feudal or Clan government type, High Crown Authority forbids vassals from fighting each other unless they have a hook on their liege, whilst Absolute Crown Authority, the maximum level, forbids them from fighting any war at all without your permission.

Why are my vassals fighting each other?

Some of your vassals will fight each other because they’re fighting a war of independence: one of your counts has revolted against one of your dukes. Check the character screens of the people in the war to see what wars they’re currently in.

How do you stop vassals from expanding in ck3?

Inducing rebellion can help. Get Medium Crown Authority, it will stop vassals from expanding via intra-realm conquest. Hold every county in two bordering duchies. Upgrade your holdings as much as possible.

What to do when you have too many vassals ck2?

You might try lowering centralization to sacrifice one demesne slot for five or so extra vassal slots. If your wife has low diplomacy, try divorcing her and marrying one who has a lot. Transfer all direct count vassals to someone else.

How do vassals work ck3?

Clan vassals provide taxes and levies based on their opinion towards their liege, with minimum amounts determined by crown authority. Theocracies provide taxes and levies based on the liege’s level of devotion. Republic vassals always provide 20% taxes and 10% levies to their liege.

How do you get territory in ck3 without war?

1 Answer. One strategy is to find an unlanded noble who is in line to inherit a title outside your realm, invite them to court, and then grant them a title within your realm that is of equal or higher rank than the one they’re set to inherit (i.e. if he’s inheriting a county you can’t just give him a barony).

How do I get high crown authority ck3?

Crown authority can be increased by a ruler so long as his realm vote it through, this can be done multiple times supposing a ruler deem it worth the long wait in between. Further, each step of crown authority gives the king privileges.

Why do my vassals hate me ck2?

There are many reasons why they could hate you: culture, religion, you holding their de jure land or de jure vassal, terrible traits, low diplomacy, you sleeping with their wives or murdering their relatives (possibly done by the AI before you take control of your character),…

Should I include lower titles ck2?

All vassals that are de jure of a title that are personally under your control will always be transferred when you grant someone a title. Clicking the “include lower titles” will give the person all the titles that are de jure that title that you personally hold.

How many duchies Can I hold ck2?

You can keep as many as you want. The problem for a king isn’t losing duchies, but the impact having more than two duchies has on your vassals. It’s a -10 malus to every duchy above two.

How are vassals meeting their duties in CKII?

In CKII, a vassal meeting their duties depends largely on their opinion towards their liege. The lower it is, the fewer taxes and levies a vassal will provide. If relations deteriorate enough, the vassal might plot against their liege or join a faction to work with others in order to undermine or depose their liege.

What was the feudal system in Crusader Kings II?

In Crusader Kings II, every vassal can only have 1 liege. The feudal system is a type of decentralization which makes ruling easier at the expense of personal power. Vassals can in turn distribute lands to vassals of their own, which is called subinfeudation.

Can a tribal vassal count towards a liege’s vassal limit?

Tribal vassals don’t count towards their non-tribal liege’s vassal limit. However, AI vassals will adopt feudalism quickly if they share their liege’s religion and culture. Nomadic vassals do not count towards their liege’s vassal limit.

How does conclave change the focus of vassal obligations?

If Conclave DLC is enabled, the ruler may shift the focus of vassal obligations (under realm laws tab), trading off levies for taxes, instead of opinion for more income. The resulting opinion penalties (or bonuses) for changing tax law is temporary.