How do I make my motion sensor light less sensitive?
Use masking tape around the sensor for a temporary adjustment and locate the area which works for your sensitivity. Then for a permanent solution remove the tape and just paint over the area where the masking tape was placed.
How do I reduce the sensitivity of my PIR sensor?
I would adjust the values of R7 and R8 to reduce the gain and make the device less sensitive. Alternatively, you could adjust R1 (connected to the source of the PIR detector) or try reducing Vref (which sets several of the voltage references inside the chip).
Why does motion sensor light stay on?
Several things can cause your motion detector to stay on, including age, storm damage, a power surge, improper installation, and improper settings. A few issues are easy to correct without professional help.
Why does my security light keep coming on and off?
It can be related to the light itself, the circuit, the sensitivity of the sensor, or other electrical issues. Faulty wires, bulbs that do not work or are dead, and bad electrical connections are all reasons why your motion sensor lights might be turning on and off.
How can I increase the range of my PIR Sensor?
There are two potentiometers on PIR motion sensors board: Sensitivity Adjust and Time delay adjust. It is possible to make PIR more sensitive or Non-Sensitive Enough. The maximum sensitivity can be achieved up to 6 meters. Time Delay Adjust potentiometer is used to adjust the timetsel shown in above timing diagrams.
What is the range of PIR Sensor?
What is the Range of PIR Sensor? Indoor passive infrared: Detection distances range from 25 cm to 20 m. Indoor curtain type: The detection distance ranges from 25 cm to 20 m. Outdoor passive infrared: The detection distance ranges from 10 meters to 150 meters.
What should the sensitivity of a motion sensor be?
Based on how the lights behave, adjust their sensitivity range accordingly using the “Range” control on the sensor head. Tip: For most brands of motion sensors, maximum sensitivity provides a coverage area of around 75 to 100 feet, while minimum sensitivity covers about 15 feet.
How does a motion detector work on a security light?
Beneath your floodlights, begin walking in progressively wider circles to see if the motion detector is activated and prompts the bulbs to illuminate. Many security lights also have a red light in the sensor box which illuminates when triggered.
Why is my motion detector light not working?
Too sensitive, and something as small as a fly could set it off. Not sensitive enough, and a prowler could come within a few feet of the fixture before it lights up. Locate this setting and fine-tune it to your liking. Another common setting for motion detector lights is a light duration time.
How can I adjust my motion light sensor?
Once the sensor is properly aligned, fully tighten the screw. When adjusting motion sensor lights, make sure the sensor is at least 2 inches away from the light bulbs, and that it has a coverage zone that’s free of potential triggers.