
Does triple X syndrome affect life expectancy?

Does triple X syndrome affect life expectancy?

Life expectancy for people with fragile X syndrome is generally normal. Many affected people participate in an active lifestyle and have good health. Some people are more prone to a number of medical problems, such as ear infections and/or seizures .

Can triple X syndrome be cured?

The chromosome error that causes triple X syndrome can’t be repaired, so the syndrome itself has no cure. Treatment is based on symptoms and needs. Options that may be helpful include: Periodic screenings.

Is triple X syndrome fertile?

Mental retardation is the most common feature in triple-X females. Women with Triple X usually are fertile, but they sometimes get the menopause earlier than other women. They are not generally phenotypically abnormal. Although reproductive organs, pubertal development, and fertility are normal in most cases.

Do serial killers have an extra chromosome?

According to Dr Helen Morrison, an American forensic psychologist and writer, chromosome abnormality in serial killers begins to express itself during puberty. Serial killer, Bobby Joe Long has an extra X chromosome, causing him to produce excess amount of oestrogen.

Is Turner’s syndrome fatal?

There’s no cure for Turner syndrome but many of the associated symptoms can be treated. Girls and women with Turner syndrome will need to have their heart, kidneys and reproductive system checked regularly throughout their lives. However, it’s usually possible to lead a relatively normal and healthy life.

Can men with Klinefelter’s have kids?

Most boys with Klinefelter syndrome can have sex when they become men, usually with the help of testosterone treatment. But problems with their testicles prevent them from making enough normal sperm to father children. Most men with the condition are infertile and can’t father a child the usual way.