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What is the purpose of a slide warmer?

What is the purpose of a slide warmer?

The main purpose of a slide warmer is to dry or warm slides and help stain slides.

What is a slide dryer?

Forced Air Slide Dryer The dryer is designed to rapidly dry slides by blowing warm air over the surface of the slides. The slide dryer accommodates two slide racks directly from a stainer and allows the slides to be stained in approximately 20-30 minutes.

What is the preferred temperature to dry paraffin sections on slides?

Slides can also be dried over night at room temperature to allow tissue to adhere better to the slides. The temperature of drying ovens should be at, or just above, the melting point of paraffin. This is typically around 62° C for proper adherence and deparaffinization of tissue sections.

What is a paraffin oven?

Paraffin Ovens – Unpa Designed for high-precision temperature control of embedding medium like paraffin wax. The range of functions and thermal safety of the paraffin oven are designed specifically for reliable sample preparation in histology, forensics or microbiology.

How do you use a slide warmer?


  1. Plug the Slide Warmer into an electrical outlet.
  2. Turn on the power switch on the side of the machine.
  3. Press the temperature “SET” button (B.) to see the current temperature setting.
  4. Set the desired temperature (shown in degrees Celsius) by using the “▲” or “▼” (temperature control) buttons (A.).

Why do you bake slides for IHC?

Slides should be placed in a slide dryer or oven for 15-20 minutes to dry out water before deparaffinization. Slides can also be dried over night at room temperature to allow tissue to adhere better to the slides. This is typically around 62° C for proper adherence and deparaffinization of tissue sections.

How do you store H and E stained slides?

All Answers (11) You can keep them at room temperature. Prior to cutting leave them overnight at 4-8 degrees centigrades. One of the ways I protect paraffin slides is to dip in hot paraffin and store at 4 degrees C in a air tight box.

What is the temperature of paraffin oven for drying?

around 62° C
The temperature of drying ovens should be at, or just above, the melting point of paraffin. This is typically around 62° C for proper adherence and deparaffinization of tissue sections.

What is the function of paraffin oven?

Why do you bake slides?

Unstained slides that require transportation or storage should not be deparaffinized or heated in a slide dryer, since the paraffin acts as a protective barrier for the tissue. Slides should be placed in a slide dryer or oven for 15-20 minutes to dry out water before deparaffinization.

How do you Deparaffinize a slide?

Deparaffinize in xylenes using three changes for 5 minutes each. Hydrate sections gradually through graded alcohols: wash in 100% ethanol twice for 10 minutes each, then 95% ethanol twice for 10 minutes each. Wash in deionized H2O for 1 minute with stirring. Aspirate excess liquid from slides.