Users' questions

What does JICA do in Uganda?

What does JICA do in Uganda?

JICA’s cooperation to Uganda is primarily focused on: 1) improving the environment to attain economic growth, 2) raising incomes in rural areas, 3) improving the living environment (health services and water supply), and 4) providing support in the northern region.

How do I contact JICA?


  1. Organisation: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA India Office)
  2. Office Address: 16th Floor, Hindustan Times House, 18-20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110001, India.
  3. Telephone: +91-11-4909-7000.
  4. Email Id: [email protected].
  5. Office Timings: Monday to Friday, 09am to 01pm and 02pm to 05pm.

What is JICA project?

JICA is part of Japan’s official development assistance effort, with a role in providing technical cooperation, capital grants and yen loans. JICA’s core development programs (aid modalities) are technical assistance programs/projects for capacity and institutional development, feasibility studies and master plans.

What is the role of Japan International cooperation Agency?

JICA is a government agency mandated to implement technical cooperation. It also provides technical support to grant aid and bilateral loans through the conduct of technical feasibility studies.

What is JICA scholarship?

JICA FRIENDSHIP Project offers Masters and/or Ph. D. Scholarship at Japanese Universities for graduates or expected graduates of IIT Hyderabad for FY2020. To apply for the Scholarship, please carefully go through the scholarship guideline.

How is JICA funded?

JICA supports the construction through Private-sector Investment Finance scheme with other entities including EBRD. These materials were prepared solely for the purpose of providing information to investors, and they are not intended to solicit subscriptions to or encourage purchases of bonds.

What is JICA funding?

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is one of the major providers of Japan’s bilateral development assistance in the form of technical cooperation, ODA loans and grant aid. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan also provides assistance.

Why is Japan called the Land of Rising Sun?

Japan is known as the “Land of Rising Sun”. It is called by this name because the sun rises first in Japan and then in any other part of the world. Japan has one of the highest advanced technologies. Tokyo is the capital of this beautiful country.

How do I get the Jasso scholarship?

On the JASSO website, it’s stated that recipients should be “enrolled in a regular course of study in a higher education institution outside Japan, accepted by a Japanese school under a student exchange agreement or other student exchange arrangement with their home school, as mentioned earlier, and demonstrate …

What is ODA grant?

ODA Grants are types of financial assistance in which funds are granted to a developing country to support construction works or services such as procuring equipment and materials that are necessary for economic and social development.