
What do I put for extracurricular activities on a resume?

What do I put for extracurricular activities on a resume?

The Best Extracurricular Activities for a ResumeForeign Languages. Knowledge of a foreign language can sometimes be the single thing that sets you apart from other candidates. Student Council. Sports. Clubs/ Organizations/ Societies. Volunteering. Peer Tutoring. Studying Abroad. Fundraising.

What should I list as extracurricular activities?

Impressive Extracurricular Activities:Student Government.Academic Teams and Clubs.The Debate Team.The Arts.Internships.Culture Clubs.Volunteer Work and Community Service.The Student Newspaper.

Should I put clubs on my resume?

Clubs and organizations should be listed on your resume or LinkedIn the same way any other type of experience is: Include a job title, a brief description of your responsibilities, and the start date and end date of the position.

Do employers care about extracurriculars?

Employers generally focus on grades, work experience and areas of expertise. If your extracurricular activities show that you have achieved at a high level, they will also be of interest (if you were a varsity athlete on a strong team, most employers will consider that a plus).

What are interviewers not allowed to ask?

Birthplace, country of origin or citizenship. Disability. Gender, sex or sexual orientation. Marital status, family, or pregnancy.

What GPA does Goldman Sachs look for?

U.S. students joining Goldman Sachs and JPM, may not be the very, very brightest, but they’re still incredibly bright. The average GPA at each firm was at least 3.72 (93%).